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Radar Detector

Old 06-13-2006, 10:51 AM
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I never stated either that I use mine when towing. I will and do most times use it on the interstate when not towing. I like to know when the cops are out. I don't blast through traffic at 90 either. I dont even go 80. I do use it faithfully in town. We have a stretch of road (US 1) that is 45 MPH for about 7 miles 3 lanes was posted 55 now is posted 45 for no apparent reason (no there is no more traffic then there was when it was 55) and it's just nuts that it is 45 but anyway it is a favorite resting place for local law enforcement. I cannot tell you how many times my butt saver has defended me against the local yaahoo. I completely respect our state troopers, county deputies and most local law enforcement however when the same motorcycle cops and the same unmarked mustang repeatedly, day in and day out months on end, work the same stretch of the only main road in the area this has to tell you something. Pacing works along with visual estimation but the one that you will never beat even with the best of the best butt saver is the eye in the sky which is used alot down here in Florida.

Besides it being a big waste of fuel it is insane to tow 11k #'s up the road at 80 mph but...people do it and I will venture to say many of them do not have radar detectors - they just feel lucky. Is it right - no but they still do it with or without a radar detector.

Another point for those towing to consider is ST type trailer tires are only rated to 65 MPH. I KNOW (possible cause) that at a prolonged 70 MPH they will blow out. I lost 2 over Memorial weekend within 1 hour each other. The tires had about 3000 miles on them and where like brand new, at the proper PSI and no idication of a problem but... The only thing now that I can contribute to the tires letting go was I was doing 70 for a prolonged period of time on tires rated for only 65 MPH. Whether the speed caused it or not I am not sure but it's certainly something to think about.
Old 06-14-2006, 08:52 PM
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Ok look I see a few of you guys think Im going to be speeding around towing for the guys that stuck up for me thanx. I can bet you guys break the speed limit once in a while, who doesn't. That one time can get you a ticket id rater be safe than sorry.
Old 06-15-2006, 12:01 AM
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Don't know much about different state laws while towing with a radar detector but I sure do believe in using them and here's why:

About 10 years ago I received a speeding ticket in Colorado for 10 over the posted speed limit. I was traveling 45 in a 45 going to visit a friend who had moved to the area and I was unfamiliar with the road out where he lived. The speed limit suddenly went from 45 down to 35 for no apparent reason and I did not slow down immediately. Next thing I knew a cop jumps out into the street from a driveway and motions me to pull in. He was parked behind a fence at a Fire Station in their driveway and had his radar gun out of his car and was shooting Dirty Harry style down the street to catch those that did not hit the brakes immediately where the speed limit changed. I was nice to him and took the ticket without complaint. However, when I returned from my friends house going the other direction on the same road the speed limit was 45 MPH all the way....W-T-F? I turned around and sure enough the speed limit was 35 in the opposite direction but 45 in the other .

So now I'm a little PO'd. How can a single lane road have two different speed limits in the same stretch of hiway? I get an appointment to meet with the city DA to protest my ticket. The DA informs me..."Yeah, we get A LOT of speeders right there!" "The reason the speed limit is 35 going South and 45 going North is because the CENTERLINE of the road is the COUNTY LINE! The next county over has a higher speed limit posted there. So, I asked him...Hypothetically...had I been passing a car and was across the line I guess I would have been legal going South at 45 mph as long as I was across the centerline? He laughs and says "probably not" and said..."I tell you what, I will let you plea-bargain this down to an illegal left turn which is fewer points". I took the deal and paid the ticket, still not too happy about the whole dang set up.

Now a few months later I get a renewal bill from my car insurance company and my insurance had gone up something like $500 more annually on just one frigging 2 point left turn ticket, and I had not even had a ticket for about 10 years! OK, that's it, I'm investing in a good radar detector! Maybe that will help even the odds against outright SPEED TRAPS!

Well I am certainly not one to speed where I am a liability but I have been known to push the limit once in a while on Interstate hi-ways, especially in my twin turbo Audi Your doing 80 before you know it but that puts you 5 over and you CAN be ticketed, fined and points assessed with it wreaking havoc on your insurance rates! Also, in the case of towing in California with their ridiculous "55 mph while towing" speed limits it helps me push it up to a socially unacceptable & life threatning oh my god...60 mph in a 75 mph zone!

My V1 Detector even saved me once from a motorcycle cop shooting Lazer as I detected the strange lazer tone going off on my V1 from a car that had just been shot ahead of me. Not sure how I got part of his lazer but I did not question it and hit the brakes as I went through an underpass, and wouldn't you know it...there are 3 mortorcycle cops lined up on the other side of the underpass with one shooting a hand-held unit and I was shot with lazer again in the now 25 mph zone and was doing exactly 25 thanks to my prior alert!

As far as clocking and pacing goes, well if he/she can see me then I can usually see him/her and that seems pretty fair all the way around.

Well it's now been 10 years since that last ticket and my butt has been saved several times from outright Speed Trap situations and my insurance rate is now rated "Ultra Preferred Driver".

Anyway, for me a Radar detector does help me be more aware of my speed and that coupled with common sense driving tactics greatly reduce my odds of getting snagged and my insurance agent getting a raise!
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