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COME AND GET IT Coffee is hot breakroom - Aug 5 - 14

Old 08-06-2012, 12:35 AM
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Bark, DW and I share a similar palate to you. A couple of years ago we decided we wanted deep fried mozzarella sticks like you get in the pub. Remember, we live an hour from Calgary and 25 mins from the nearest pub. With the new legally impaired limit (0.05 in Alberta loses you your driver's license and your vehicle, I don't know how anyone goes to the pub anymore. Not worth losing my license or a $70 cab ride - if I can even get a cab out here in the sticks. Sooooo, back to the point of the story, we wanted deep fried mozzarella sticks. Here is the secret. Take the mozzarella stick, flour dredge it, egg wash and bread crumb it. THEN the big secret. Put the breaded mozzarella sticks in the freezer for at least an hour and 24 hrs if you had the foresight to plan supper a day ahead(I have never planned drinking food a day ahead, but that might be just me). Once frozen, deep fry at 360F until crispy. Mmmmmmmmmm, fried, breaded and gooey goodness.

Have you ever tried deep fried dill pickle slices? Use a tempura batter. They are too awesome.

If you want any other ideas for deep fried goodness, just ask. We have a ginger beef recipe that people will drive a lot of miles for.
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Old 08-06-2012, 06:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Shovelhead
How I spent part of the weekend.
Grand-Daughter's 2nd Birthday.
She wanted to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks............again.

Wifey caught some kind of 'bug', ..... she's been coughing and feeling like crap for three days.
Hope she didn't give it to me.
Rode the Geezer-Glide to Casa Del Shovelhead over the weekend.
Trip back today was H-O-T.
Lovin' the AC and an ice cold adult beverage.

She loves her grampa....... My sectional has recliners in the ends, my grand daughter likes to sit with me in the recliner just like your sitting with yours. We also watched alvin and the chipmunks several times, I have to dance with her when the chipettes are singing..
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Old 08-06-2012, 07:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Bark
When I was working shift work in Alaska during the winter I would go to bed in the dark and get up after dark. It was like there was never any daytime.
Reminds me of trying to sleep up there in the summer. Had to hang towels over the windows - - no way the shades were keeping out the midnight sun.

Originally Posted by Tallguy67
Bark, DW and I share a similar palate to you. A couple of years ago we decided we wanted deep fried mozzarella sticks like you get in the pub. Remember, we live an hour from Calgary and 25 mins from the nearest pub. With the new legally impaired limit (0.05 in Alberta loses you your driver's license and your vehicle, I don't know how anyone goes to the pub anymore. Not worth losing my license or a $70 cab ride - if I can even get a cab out here in the sticks. Sooooo, back to the point of the story, we wanted deep fried mozzarella sticks. Here is the secret. Take the mozzarella stick, flour dredge it, egg wash and bread crumb it. THEN the big secret. Put the breaded mozzarella sticks in the freezer for at least an hour and 24 hrs if you had the foresight to plan supper a day ahead(I have never planned drinking food a day ahead, but that might be just me). Once frozen, deep fry at 360F until crispy. Mmmmmmmmmm, fried, breaded and gooey goodness.

Have you ever tried deep fried dill pickle slices? Use a tempura batter. They are too awesome.

If you want any other ideas for deep fried goodness, just ask. We have a ginger beef recipe that people will drive a lot of miles for.
OH PLEASE - - my arteries are in prayer position begging God to not let me read your post. ..............sounds like an LDL attack to me. Used to love all that stuff - - - UNTIL........... OUCH - - not fun at all. Have had to be super careful ever since. Yeh I know - - - should have been more careful before it happened.

OK, time to get going and have fun. Have a gudurn.

Oh yeh, put coffee and ph00 on - - grabbing a ph00 on the way out. .....

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Old 08-06-2012, 08:15 AM
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Good Morning DTRonians.....Back from Vacation and feeling like I came back a couple weeks TOO soon Oh well, nobody ever told me life was fair or even easy for that matter

Have a safe week folks!
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Old 08-06-2012, 09:51 AM
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Just made a fresh pot railroad grade gona spend time with my kids wont have them for another 2 weeks. Was tring to pick corn and beans but the rain has me beat.

Back to the kids
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Old 08-06-2012, 10:51 AM
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Morning all, another rainy morning. The wife has been studying what the food police has been pushing on us and most of it is as bad, if not worse than what they are telling us not to eat. It is either toxic to start with or becomes toxic either by being mutated (hybrid-ed) or over processed until it becomes toxic. We have eliminated quite a number of things out of our food and it has made a very noticeable difference in our health.
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Old 08-06-2012, 11:03 AM
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EARTHQUAKE in Denmark, 4.4 richter at 4:45 and I didn´t feel a thing.

Anyway, first day at work after 2 weeks off, getting up to speed sssllloooowwwwlllllyyyyy... coffee is free.

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Old 08-06-2012, 12:20 PM
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According to the food police (past, anyway)
Butter is bad. Margarine, made from poly unsaturated industrial scrap fats (never mind that to get the texture of butter, it has to be then saturated) is good.
.......Turns out, butter is good for you. It has some actual food value from the cows.

The greenies would have you believe you'll die in agony like an unwanted wasp from the pesticides in our vegies and fruits. It's actually parts per billions, probably (by 1000's to 1) not significant at all. Not eating good food, like vegies and fruit, will kill you, mostly from the toxins you make yourself if you don't crap often enough.

They just found out that chemotherapy hurts cancer, and also hurts healthy cells, which then give off a protein that makes the cancer grow, invade, and become immune to chemotherapy. So what have we been seeing in our loved ones killed by this expensive stuff? duh

So, if you want to go nuts on the deep fried stuff, the Minnesota State Fair is famous for gazillion calorie deep fried everything on a stick.

I'm for a clean environment, but for the last 30 years or so, the claims and especially the "solutions" are getting downright dangerous to our well being. Classic example. A minnow (delta smelt) is accidentally transplanted into marshland in California. (The definition of an invasive species.) That same minnow supposedly being endangered becomes cause to shut down the San Joaquin Valley, which used to be one of the world's best and most productive food production areas.
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Old 08-06-2012, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Tallguy67
Mornin all, gonna be a hot one here on the edge of the Canadian prairies. It is going up to about 90f. For you southern Merkins that is winter weather but up here, that is HOT. Remember that in 3 months we could be dealing with temps around -40F. I am better at dealing with the cold, you just put on more clothes. Most houses up here, mine included don't have A/C. When it is that hot, what do you do? You can only get so nekkid and you are still sweating.
My sister, her husband and their youngest daughter are coming out for the night, tonight. It will be fun but it could have been so much more fun. 2 weeks ago yesterday, my niece (6 yrs old) broke her left leg. Non- displaced but complete fracture of the tib and fib just below the knee. She is in a cast from her groin to her toes for 4 more weeks. We bought both nieces 50cc quads the days before she broke her leg . The quads were not involved in the fracture. It sucks that she is going to be here on one of the hottest days of the year and she can't go in the pool, use the new quad or do anything. Poor kidlet. Ah well, kids will be kids.

We will find a way to make it fun for her anyway.

Have a good day all. Keep your head up and your stick on the ice....

Originally Posted by cougar
Wife is doing better. She is up and around trying to get back into her routine. She was thinking of driving into town and do some shopping until,,,,,. A little background first. She has been on some pretty heavy duty narcotic pain meds and was told not to drive. She have been off them for a couple days so she thought she would be fine. Well, enter the cat. Cat was hungry and being a pest in the kitchen just before the wife was ready to leave. I pick up the cat and the wife tries to decide which can to give the cat. So she grabs a can and puts it under the cats nose and, Oh, she can't smell it in the can. Why can't they put a cent dot on them, you know, like a scratch and sniff on them so she will know what they smell like,,,,,,,????????

I'm driving!
Good call.
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Old 08-06-2012, 03:11 PM
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If they would just tell me tobacco is good for me I would be happy. Its been 6 months since my last cigar.

slevhansen the ones you dont feel are the best ones.

Howdy Lary, must have been a good one if you feel like ya came back too soon.

Originally Posted by Tallguy67
Have you ever tried deep fried dill pickle slices? Use a tempura batter. They are too awesome.
Dang it, I keep hearing that those are good but I havent tried em (they dont sound like they should be good).

Originally Posted by FiverBob
Reminds me of trying to sleep up there in the summer. Had to hang towels over the windows - - no way the shades were keeping out the midnight sun.
We have aluminum foil on our bedroom windows. Kinda matches the rest of the house ambiance (combination cabin/house/bomb shelter).

Well Kids!! I get to leave right now for five fun days in Anchorage, Chugiak and Willow.
It will be a good trip if they let me kill somebody.
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Old 08-06-2012, 04:09 PM
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Cranking up the computer anti-virus.
I think I caught whatever bug (flu) Wifey has..........
Feel like I'm freezing, ache, wanna grab a 55 gallon drum of Nyquil and sleep for a couple of days.
Might have to call in sick for the first time since 1982.
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Old 08-06-2012, 05:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Shovelhead
Cranking up the computer anti-virus.
I think I caught whatever bug (flu) Wifey has..........
Feel like I'm freezing, ache, wanna grab a 55 gallon drum of Nyquil and sleep for a couple of days.
Might have to call in sick for the first time since 1982.
Well that just bites. I wish I had something more inspired to say, but the temp is up into the low 90's. That is as inspired as I can get.

Get well soon.
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Old 08-06-2012, 05:28 PM
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Man is it ever raining out - - good old Florida toad strangler. Lightning flashing all over and this computer is going down. And I am supposed to leave in 15 minutes for a meeting. OH BOY.

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Old 08-06-2012, 05:38 PM
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So, I'm guessing the drought is over down there..........?
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Old 08-06-2012, 07:11 PM
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send some rain this way... we got every tribe dancing and having fund raiser to try to buy some rain....

On the fried pickles. I know a place...
good fried pickles and cold beer...
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