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Mexstan 02-18-2006 10:41 AM

Today, America is under attack.
Normally when I have my computer on I listen to an American radio station. A few minutes ago they played "America the beautiful". That got me thinking about your country and then I became sad. Why? Because almost daily I see that the great country of America is being destroyed from within. The base on which your forefathers built up your country is slowly but steadily being eroded. That erosion is picking up speed. Many of your self serving politicians, folks like the Clinton's the Gores and many others are all chipping away at that base. Organizations like the ACLU, CAIR, the news media, the Christian bashers and all too many others are in fact enemies of the American way of life. The list of individuals and organisations out to destroy your way of life is growing daily.

Have just come acrosss an article that in a way supports what I have said above. This is just one aspect of the war that is being brought to you today. It's a long read, but I would encourage you to read it. You can read it at

So what can you do about it? What can you do to stop the rot? I doubt that it can be stopped, but YOU can help to slow it down. Get familiar with the truth. The media actively blinds you to the truth. Dump those politicians that are selling your country short. And much more. If you don't, then one day you are going to wake up and say "What happened". Then it will be way too late. Never in your entire history have you fought a war like this. In many ways it is a faceless enemy, but if you do not wake up and put a face on the many fronts that is attacking you from within your country, then sorry, but's it's game over for you. That my friends is NOT something I want to see happen!

EDIT Just happened to hear another song "This is my country". That also made me think, is this really your country? Is this the country you want for your kids and your grandkids? The country that YOU are allowing America to evolve into, is this what YOU want for your your kids? So if not, what are YOU going to do to reverse the ever increasing rot that is spreading within your country? You need to act today for tomorrow may be too late.

rjordan 02-18-2006 10:56 AM

amen to that. i think listening to talk radio,(sean hanaty sp? and rush) and watching fox news is the best truth that you can get around here

Barry St John 02-18-2006 11:09 AM

Thanks Mexstan! I appreciate your concern and I hope it'll make people stop and think. I think that when you have alot and are resonably content It's hard to see the forest for the trees. I'm afraid that until things get alot worse most of us in this country will be complacent and unwelling to educate ourselves enough to see what is happening. How many of us really take the time to study the issues when it's tlme to vote. I try to but I know that on alot of stuff that I'm voting on I simply don't spend the time to make an informed decision. It easy to do only half enough individually and then spend hours on a forum like this discussing Walbro pumps. The trick is to educate yourself and don't become involved emotionally. It is only then that you can use all the information available and make effective informed decisions.

tankeryanker 02-18-2006 11:29 AM

Stan you are wise beyond your years. I don't know how old you are ( I see your birthday is on Pearl Harbor day), but you have a great grasp as to what is happening in our country. I enjoy reading your posts. I too am very sad as to the way things are headed in this great land of ours. I am sure our forfathers are rolling in their graves as to the checks & balances that they wrote into our Constitution are being overthrown by the extreme left.
People Wake Up & Smell The Coffee

This post has been started by a man from the outside looking in & can see the forest from the trees. He speaks of a truth that is being ignored by the masses do to their everyday self indulgence.

singleturnout 02-18-2006 11:43 AM

they hired a guy a work a week ago who cant speek a lick of english and now all the rules are changing at work he gets more money then the rest of us because he has family in mexico that he is sending it to so they can come up here

Baja 02-18-2006 12:02 PM

Fear, hate, and jingoism rear their ugly heads once again. Rush and Fox, unbiased in their "truth"? You gotta be kidding. I am curious, what is "The American way of life" to you? What does that supposed to mean? What else is there in the USA? I am not asking that in a negative way, I just do not understand what you mean. What would you change?

John Faughn 02-18-2006 12:18 PM

Do not be outflanked , the left is not the only source of the attacks on whatever , its 2 sides against the middle [ everybody ].
A post a few lines down got me to come back and add my 2 cents.
I just hope you get my meaning , and do not take this as a war , but as a , there is more of us [ everbody ] then them [ they that want to control everyone] let each of us control ourselfs. [deadhors]

ratat98 02-18-2006 12:39 PM

I think the media has a lot to do with the "erosion" of our foundation. I mean dont get me wrong, Im glad to have news available, but sometimes I catch myself yelling "Idiots!" at the reporters on TV because they don't know what they are talking about and most of the time they are bashing our soldiers who are over there risking their lives so we can have better lives. I have 5 friends over in Iraq right now, and they would all tell you the exact same thing. [rant]

Hannibal 02-18-2006 01:21 PM

What we need to do is bring back witch hunts. Young witches like Britany Spears are corrupting our youth. There's nothing wrong with witch burning. Young witches seduce our young men and even clergymen into temptation and evil, sinful and lustful activities these young men wouldn't be in without witches. It worked before and it would work now. Good Christian girls and ladies don't flaunt their bodies. It's easy to spot witches. They control your eyes.
Since slavery went bust, and slavery is condoned and encouraged in the Bible, we need the next best thing. President Bush said in his speech yesterday in Tampa that there are Mexicans willing to do work that Americans won't do. We need to take advantage of the opportunity and allow them into the country to work and send their earnings back to their families in Mexico. The Bible says to be content with your wages and not complain. If they aren't citizens, they don't qualify for welfare benefits and won't be a burden on our society. If they don't like it or grow tired of it, we won't be burdened by their existance. They can just go home.
We need only Christian friendly TV and entertainment. Holywood is corrupting everyone with temptation that our impressionable society cannot resist. Even Disney is going off the deep end. It started with long hair in the '60s and just went crazy. John Lennon was the anti-Christ with his "Imagine" song. Don't even read the lyrics. You'll be sucked into Satan's grip.
We need to teach Christianity in public schools. Science is Satan's work. All we need to know about our existance is in the Bible. Satan has laid out temptation in all forms to lure us in. Scientists are unable to see the truth and are lured right in. Dinosaurs... What a rediculous concept.
There's a never ending uphill battle that needs to be fought in order to bring our country back to what it should be. But it has to start somewhere.

Shovelhead 02-18-2006 01:53 PM

The only trouble is see with that is it's still blaming someone/something else for a lack of self-control, and self discipline.

The youth of America has to stop trying to be an "individual" :rolleyes: that looks, acts, sounds, just like every one of the "artists" they see on MTV, and start thinking for themselves.

Most of that group seem to have no marketable skills, and I guess are planning on depending on Mom & Dad (or the Government) to pay their way though life.

Fronty Owner 02-18-2006 02:17 PM

along the lines of what shovelhead said, I caught an article in one of my engineering magizines about how the new "group think" is killing innovation in the engineering world. Sure, you base your decisions off of what has been done in the past, but you also need to be able to think on your feet and make decisions on your own. There are two engineers where I work. Im more electrically inclined than the other. We can work together and decide together on some things, but on some, Im on my own and he is on his own. It works for us.

iker42 02-18-2006 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by Shovelhead
The only trouble is see with that is it's still blaming someone/something else for a lack of self-control, and self discipline.

The youth of America has to stop trying to be an "individual" :rolleyes: that looks, acts, sounds, just like every one of the "artists" they see on MTV, and start thinking for themselves.

Most of that group seem to have no marketable skills, and I guess are planning on depending on Mom & Dad (or the Government) to pay their way though life.

...[eyecrazy] I wish that were truw, plus i listin to country

t-15 firefighter 02-18-2006 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by Hannibal
What we need to do is bring back witch hunts. Young witches like Britany Spears are corrupting our youth. There's nothing wrong with witch burning. Young witches seduce our young men and even clergymen into temptation and evil, sinful and lustful activities these young men wouldn't be in without witches. It worked before and it would work now. Good Christian girls and ladies don't flaunt their bodies. It's easy to spot witches. They control your eyes.
Since slavery went bust, and slavery is condoned and encouraged in the Bible, we need the next best thing. President Bush said in his speech yesterday in Tampa that there are Mexicans willing to do work that Americans won't do. We need to take advantage of the opportunity and allow them into the country to work and send their earnings back to their families in Mexico. The Bible says to be content with your wages and not complain. If they aren't citizens, they don't qualify for welfare benefits and won't be a burden on our society. If they don't like it or grow tired of it, we won't be burdened by their existance. They can just go home.
We need only Christian friendly TV and entertainment. Holywood is corrupting everyone with temptation that our impressionable society cannot resist. Even Disney is going off the deep end. It started with long hair in the '60s and just went crazy. John Lennon was the anti-Christ with his "Imagine" song. Don't even read the lyrics. You'll be sucked into Satan's grip.
We need to teach Christianity in public schools. Science is Satan's work. All we need to know about our existance is in the Bible. Satan has laid out temptation in all forms to lure us in. Scientists are unable to see the truth and are lured right in. Dinosaurs... What a rediculous concept.
There's a never ending uphill battle that needs to be fought in order to bring our country back to what it should be. But it has to start somewhere.

Please tell me this post was a joke??? I wouldn't even know where to begin.....



DirtEater 02-18-2006 05:00 PM

Why do you seem to be so concerned about America? Are you an expatriot? I've read some of your other 'doomsday in America' threads before, and while I agree with alot of what you say, especially about the people that have 50,000 virgins waiting for them in heaven, I have to question your motive. You seem to start the thread and then kickback and watch our responses. Wussuppp widdat?

By the way, if it was up to me, I'd build prison after prison all along our border and lock up every single illegal idiot we catch and imprison them for 20 years. Then make them work the prison's crop farm (in pink uniforms ofcourse) so any prospective illegal idiot that might be thinking of moving north without the USA's permission thinks twice about it.
;) ;) ;)

Baja 02-18-2006 05:09 PM

What we need to do is bring back witch hunts. Young witches like Britany Spears are corrupting our youth. There's nothing wrong with witch burning. Young witches seduce our young men and even clergymen into temptation and evil, sinful and lustful activities these young men wouldn't be in without witches. It worked before and it would work now. Good Christian girls and ladies don't flaunt their bodies. It's easy to spot witches. They control your eyes.
Since slavery went bust, and slavery is condoned and encouraged in the Bible, we need the next best thing. President Bush said in his speech yesterday in Tampa that there are Mexicans willing to do work that Americans won't do. We need to take advantage of the opportunity and allow them into the country to work and send their earnings back to their families in Mexico. The Bible says to be content with your wages and not complain. If they aren't citizens, they don't qualify for welfare benefits and won't be a burden on our society. If they don't like it or grow tired of it, we won't be burdened by their existance. They can just go home.
We need only Christian friendly TV and entertainment. Holywood is corrupting everyone with temptation that our impressionable society cannot resist. Even Disney is going off the deep end. It started with long hair in the '60s and just went crazy. John Lennon was the anti-Christ with his "Imagine" song. Don't even read the lyrics. You'll be sucked into Satan's grip.
We need to teach Christianity in public schools. Science is Satan's work. All we need to know about our existance is in the Bible. Satan has laid out temptation in all forms to lure us in. Scientists are unable to see the truth and are lured right in. Dinosaurs... What a rediculous concept.
There's a never ending uphill battle that needs to be fought in order to bring our country back to what it should be. But it has to start somewhere.

My goodness, what have you been smoking? Can't even begin to reply to something like this. [eyecrazy] [eyecrazy] [eyecrazy]

kandgo 02-18-2006 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by DirtEater
Why do you seem to be so concerned about America? Are you an expatriot? I've read some of your other 'doomsday in America' threads before, and while I agree with alot of what you say, especially about the people that have 50,000 virgins waiting for them in heaven, I have to question your motive. You seem to start the thread and then kickback and watch our responses. Wussuppp widdat?

By the way, if it was up to me, I'd build prison after prison all along our border and lock up every single illegal idiot we catch and imprison them for 20 years. Then make them work the prison's crop farm (in pink uniforms ofcourse) so any prospective illegal idiot that might be thinking of moving north without the USA's permission thinks twice about it.
;) ;) ;)

I have asked the same question before, and have yet to recieve any viable reason as to why, I too question someone who does not live here or makes a choice to not live here as to why they think they have the right to say or have an opinion about our Country?? I myself can honestly say it is offensive in every manner. And Mextan knows how I have stated my stand in the past. But it is good that you ask such a question Dirteater? Goodluck,,Rick

Red3quarter 02-18-2006 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by Hannibal
What we need to do is bring back witch hunts. Young witches like Britany Spears are corrupting our youth. There's nothing wrong with witch burning. Young witches seduce our young men and even clergymen into temptation and evil, sinful and lustful activities these young men wouldn't be in without witches. It worked before and it would work now. Good Christian girls and ladies don't flaunt their bodies. It's easy to spot witches. They control your eyes.
Since slavery went bust, and slavery is condoned and encouraged in the Bible, we need the next best thing. President Bush said in his speech yesterday in Tampa that there are Mexicans willing to do work that Americans won't do. We need to take advantage of the opportunity and allow them into the country to work and send their earnings back to their families in Mexico. The Bible says to be content with your wages and not complain. If they aren't citizens, they don't qualify for welfare benefits and won't be a burden on our society. If they don't like it or grow tired of it, we won't be burdened by their existance. They can just go home.
We need only Christian friendly TV and entertainment. Holywood is corrupting everyone with temptation that our impressionable society cannot resist. Even Disney is going off the deep end. It started with long hair in the '60s and just went crazy. John Lennon was the anti-Christ with his "Imagine" song. Don't even read the lyrics. You'll be sucked into Satan's grip.
We need to teach Christianity in public schools. Science is Satan's work. All we need to know about our existance is in the Bible. Satan has laid out temptation in all forms to lure us in. Scientists are unable to see the truth and are lured right in. Dinosaurs... What a rediculous concept.
There's a never ending uphill battle that needs to be fought in order to bring our country back to what it should be. But it has to start somewhere.

I don't think thats going to solve much to be very honest, i hope you are joking with us.

doznfire 02-18-2006 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Hannibal
What we need to do is bring back witch hunts. Young witches like Britany Spears are corrupting our youth. There's nothing wrong with witch burning. Young witches seduce our young men and even clergymen into temptation and evil, sinful and lustful activities these young men wouldn't be in without witches. It worked before and it would work now. Good Christian girls and ladies don't flaunt their bodies. It's easy to spot witches. They control your eyes.
Since slavery went bust, and slavery is condoned and encouraged in the Bible, we need the next best thing. President Bush said in his speech yesterday in Tampa that there are Mexicans willing to do work that Americans won't do. We need to take advantage of the opportunity and allow them into the country to work and send their earnings back to their families in Mexico. The Bible says to be content with your wages and not complain. If they aren't citizens, they don't qualify for welfare benefits and won't be a burden on our society. If they don't like it or grow tired of it, we won't be burdened by their existance. They can just go home.
We need only Christian friendly TV and entertainment. Holywood is corrupting everyone with temptation that our impressionable society cannot resist. Even Disney is going off the deep end. It started with long hair in the '60s and just went crazy. John Lennon was the anti-Christ with his "Imagine" song. Don't even read the lyrics. You'll be sucked into Satan's grip.
We need to teach Christianity in public schools. Science is Satan's work. All we need to know about our existance is in the Bible. Satan has laid out temptation in all forms to lure us in. Scientists are unable to see the truth and are lured right in. Dinosaurs... What a rediculous concept.
There's a never ending uphill battle that needs to be fought in order to bring our country back to what it should be. But it has to start somewhere.

WHAT THE :o :o :o .....

boiler-rat 02-18-2006 07:23 PM

Mexstan, I agree with alot of what you say but I don't believe the problem is just in the USA. It is just about world wide and I sure don't know the solution. We are outgrowing our planet and it can't and won't go on forever. I am not a doomsdayer but...
I am not against someone wanting to immigrate here to better themselves. What I am against is when they take advantage of our government funded programs such as foodstamps and medicaid. In south Texas, there are hospital that are on the verge of bankruptcy because of the number of indigent patients.
A vast majority of them end up in gangs and other illegal activities.
This is an interesting thread.
And Hannibal, is that as in Dr. Hannibal Lecter ?? [eyecrazy]

P.J 02-18-2006 07:51 PM

I hear what everyone is saying, agree with some, disagree with most.

I can't believe some people really believe that the Entertainment industry has ANYTHING to do with our current, past or future condition.

They said the same thing about Elvis and the Beatles, both of which are pretty much considered heros now. The "artists" today are no more "decaying our morals" than those guys did to you back in the 50's and 60's.

If you don't like Britney or Justin Timberlake or Pam Anderson or whomever by all means,

DON'T WATCH!!!! Boycot em, boycot products they use or endorse, stand out in front of the venues they play at at with a sign!!

Now then, nobody really cares that much do they? ...........Right.........

Mexstan 02-18-2006 08:16 PM

For those of you who are curious, no, I am not an ex-pat. I have worked in the states, (have a US SIN number) owned a home in the US and paid US taxes, thousands of dollars worth of taxes. [yuk] Who knows, may end up working there again. Heading to a huge trade show in your country in 1 1/2 weeks which may bring money to your country. Bought my first Dakota (new) in the states. I have driven thru much of your country (northern border to southern border and coast to coast) and flown over the rest. There is a good chance I know first hand more about your country than many of you. Lost count of how many times I have crossed both your southern and northern borders.
I happen to like and respect much of what your country has done over the years. I know how great you as a country have been, but now notice a change, a change for the worst.
Why am I interested? Many reasons, but let me put it this way. Can you imagine what it is like to sleep next to an elephant? ie Canada and Mexico. What happens when said elephant rolls over? It affects me, probably very negatively. In other words, I have a vested interest in seeing that America does not roll over.
If what I have said offends some of you, I am sorry as that is not my intention. I know these views are not popular, but since when was the truth popular? I can see danger heading your way, but I also know that all too many of you have your heads deeply imbeded in a soft, warm place and will get offended when the truth is shoved in your face. It is so much easier to shoot the messenger than deal with the problem(s) that YOU should be dealing with.
OK, now go ahead, flame me and shoot.

DirtEater 02-18-2006 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by boiler-rat
I am not against someone wanting to immigrate here to better themselves.[eyecrazy]

I don't either, as long as it's done legally. I'm sick of them here in Cali. They take advantage of as much as they can, and don't bother to pay taxes like the good folks that are here legally. Then, their fat wives can have a baby on the govt's dime, and the baby is a citizen. What kind of crap is that?

Mexstan 02-18-2006 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by DirtEater
Why do you seem to be so concerned about America? Are you an expatriot? I've read some of your other 'doomsday in America' threads before, and while I agree with alot of what you say, especially about the people that have 50,000 virgins waiting for them in heaven, I have to question your motive. You seem to start the thread and then kickback and watch our responses. Wussuppp widdat?

For the first part, see my previous post.
Motive??? 'cuz it's fun to get the folks riled up. :p [laugh] I don't always sit back and watch. Sometimes I jump back in and stir the pot a bit more. [whistle]

kandgo 02-18-2006 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by Mexstan
For those of you who are curious, no, I am not an ex-pat. I have worked in the states, (have a US SIN number) owned a home in the US and paid US taxes, thousands of dollars worth of taxes. [yuk] Who knows, may end up working there again. Heading to a huge trade show in your country in 1 1/2 weeks which may bring money to your country. Bought my first Dakota (new) in the states. I have driven thru much of your country (northern border to southern border and coast to coast) and flown over the rest. There is a good chance I know first hand more about your country than many of you. Lost count of how many times I have crossed both your southern and northern borders.
I happen to like and respect much of what your country has done over the years. I know how great you as a country have been, but now notice a change, a change for the worst.
Why am I interested? Many reasons, but let me put it this way. Can you imagine what it is like to sleep next to an elephant? ie Canada and Mexico. What happens when said elephant rolls over? It affects me, probably very negatively. In other words, I have a vested interest in seeing that America does not roll over.
If what I have said offends some of you, I am sorry as that is not my intention. I know these views are not popular, but since when was the truth popular? I can see danger heading your way, but I also know that all too many of you have your heads deeply imbeded in a soft, warm place and will get offended when the truth is shoved in your face. It is so much easier to shoot the messenger than deal with the problem(s) that YOU should be dealing with.
OK, now go ahead, flame me and shoot.

No flames from me, just a big THANKS for the explanation. I now have a understanding why you are concerned, I honestly thought and hoped that your feelings were along these lines and now I will publicly state that I have a respect for your post's about the USA. You do indeed have a very very vested interest in what happens in our country,as well as the guys to the north. But as you know and as I have posted in the past, our country is not unlike the others that exist today,we have ups and downs and our history shows that when we need to we will arise and defend and protect our own with honest and very pointed vengence. Sure hard times come and go and some stay around a bit longer than others, but I must reinterate we have been down this road before and we will come out of it. Thanks again for your response. Goodluck,,Rick

Mexstan 02-18-2006 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by kandgo
I have asked the same question before, and have yet to recieve any viable reason as to why, I too question someone who does not live here or makes a choice to not live here as to why they think they have the right to say or have an opinion about our Country?? I myself can honestly say it is offensive in every manner. And Mextan knows how I have stated my stand in the past. But it is good that you ask such a question Dirteater? Goodluck,,Rick

Let me see if I understand this correctly. You as an American can have all kinds of say and opinions about what happens in other countries, ie Afgahnistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel etc, etc, etc ad nausium, but if I as a non American make an honest, personal assement of the state of affairs of your own country, that is offensive. [eyecrazy] :o :confused: :confused: :confused:
Exactly why does this offend you?

DirtEater 02-18-2006 08:30 PM

I'm not offended by what you say, so I certainly won't flame you. Ultimately, I'd say you make most of us think about what you're saying, you just have this doomsday way of saying it.

And....Considering I'm 43 years young, I'm fairly certain that you DON"T know more about my country than this ole boy does, but I appreciate your enthusiasm. Also, I might add that you're Inglais is muey bueno(did I butcher that). :)

kandgo 02-18-2006 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by Mexstan
For those of you who are curious, no, I am not an ex-pat. I have worked in the states, (have a US SIN number) owned a home in the US and paid US taxes, thousands of dollars worth of taxes. Who knows, may end up working there again. Heading to a huge trade show in your country in 1 1/2 weeks which may bring money to your country. Bought my first Dakota (new) in the states. I have driven thru much of your country (northern border to southern border and coast to coast) and flown over the rest. There is a good chance I know first hand more about your country than many of you. Lost count of how many times I have crossed both your southern and northern borders.
I happen to like and respect much of what your country has done over the years. I know how great you as a country have been, but now notice a change, a change for the worst.
Why am I interested? Many reasons, but let me put it this way. Can you imagine what it is like to sleep next to an elephant? ie Canada and Mexico. What happens when said elephant rolls over? It affects me, probably very negatively. In other words, I have a vested interest in seeing that America does not roll over.
If what I have said offends some of you, I am sorry as that is not my intention. I know these views are not popular, but since when was the truth popular? I can see danger heading your way, but I also know that all too many of you have your heads deeply imbeded in a soft, warm place and will get offended when the truth is shoved in your face. It is so much easier to shoot the messenger than deal with the problem(s) that YOU should be dealing with.
OK, now go ahead, flame me and shoot.

{{No flames from me, just a big THANKS for the explanation. I now have a understanding why you are concerned, I honestly thought and hoped that your feelings were along these lines and now I will publicly state that I have a respect for your post's about the USA. You do indeed have a very very vested interest in what happens in our country,as well as the guys to the north. But as you know and as I have posted in the past, our country is not unlike the others that exist today,we have ups and downs and our history shows that when we need to we will arise and defend and protect our own with honest and very pointed vengence. Sure hard times come and go and some stay around a bit longer than others, but I must reinterate we have been down this road before and we will come out of it. Thanks again for your response. Goodluck,,Rick}}

You must be have been typing at the same time I was, Goodluck,,Rick

Mexstan 02-18-2006 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by DirtEater
I'm not offended by what you say, so I certainly won't flame you. Ultimately, I'd say you make most of us think about what you're saying, you just have this doomsday way of saying it.

And....Considering I'm 43 years young, I'm fairly certain that you DON"T know more about my country than this ole boy does, but I appreciate your enthusiasm. Also, I might add that you're Inglais is muey bueno(did I butcher that). :)

Finally, someone get's it!!!! The point of everything I have been saying is to get you to think. Think about what is happening to your country and then do something about it! Sorry if it sounds a bit doomsdayish, but it gets your attention doesn't it?
Thanks for compliment about my English.

Mexstan 02-18-2006 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by kandgo
. But as you know and as I have posted in the past, our country is not unlike the others that exist today,we have ups and downs and our history shows that when we need to we will arise and defend and protect our own with honest and very pointed vengence. Sure hard times come and go and some stay around a bit longer than others, but I must reinterate we have been down this road before and we will come out of it. Thanks again for your response. Goodluck,,Rick

Sorry Rick, but I have to disagree. The road that the US is travelling has never before been travelled. It is road filled with booby traps of a kind none of you have dreamed of before. On this road you are going to be blindsided like never before in your history. It is the fact that all too many of you are so complacent about the fact that you have conquered your enemies in the past and can do so again that scares me. This enemy is NOT like anything you have ever faced.

kandgo 02-18-2006 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by Mexstan
Sorry Rick, but I have to disagree. The road that the US is travelling has never before been travelled. It is road filled with booby traps of a kind none of you have dreamed of before. On this road you are going to be blindsided like never before in your history. It is the fact that all too many of you are so complacent about the fact that you have conquered your enemies in the past and can do so again that scares me. This enemy is NOT like anything you have ever faced.

Well we will just have to agree to disagree, I come from a long long long family deep in military service, and have studied History of Wars extensivley. Have one daughter that teaches US Government at a collegiate level. So I state again we have been down this road before, we have heard countless times that we will not succeed and I can only hope and you too that we will overcome again,but as I have read your post in the past there is one thing that I know you and I will agree on and there is a rocky road we will not succeed on or overcome and that road is spelled out in Daniel and Revelation and there is only one way to get out of that situation and I have read your belief and I pray that when it happens all will be prepared. So in closing I again publicly state I respect your opinions and I would only hope you respect mine. Sincerely and Goodluck,,,Rick

doznfire 02-18-2006 09:01 PM

Does it have anything to do with the fact that hispanics are not the minority in Cali. anymore.Slowly being taken over. English is slowly fading away as being the main language.

TexasCTD 02-19-2006 03:44 AM

As True Today as it Ever Was

Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and NOTHING BUT an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but ONE flag, the American flag, We have room for but ONE language here, and that is the English language and We have room for but ONE sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

DirtEater 02-19-2006 05:41 AM

Teddy said it very well indeed! We need more folks like that.

tenbrooks 02-19-2006 05:55 AM

Originally Posted by Hannibal
What we need to do is bring back witch hunts. Young witches like Britany Spears are corrupting our youth. There's nothing wrong with witch burning. Young witches seduce our young men and even clergymen into temptation and evil, sinful and lustful activities these young men wouldn't be in without witches. It worked before and it would work now. Good Christian girls and ladies don't flaunt their bodies. It's easy to spot witches. They control your eyes.
Since slavery went bust, and slavery is condoned and encouraged in the Bible, we need the next best thing. President Bush said in his speech yesterday in Tampa that there are Mexicans willing to do work that Americans won't do. We need to take advantage of the opportunity and allow them into the country to work and send their earnings back to their families in Mexico. The Bible says to be content with your wages and not complain. If they aren't citizens, they don't qualify for welfare benefits and won't be a burden on our society. If they don't like it or grow tired of it, we won't be burdened by their existance. They can just go home.
We need only Christian friendly TV and entertainment. Holywood is corrupting everyone with temptation that our impressionable society cannot resist. Even Disney is going off the deep end. It started with long hair in the '60s and just went crazy. John Lennon was the anti-Christ with his "Imagine" song. Don't even read the lyrics. You'll be sucked into Satan's grip.
We need to teach Christianity in public schools. Science is Satan's work. All we need to know about our existance is in the Bible. Satan has laid out temptation in all forms to lure us in. Scientists are unable to see the truth and are lured right in. Dinosaurs... What a rediculous concept.
There's a never ending uphill battle that needs to be fought in order to bring our country back to what it should be. But it has to start somewhere.

right on, brotha :D

BRDDD 02-19-2006 06:29 AM

Prophesy ??
Mexstan, Sounds as if you know more than you're telling when you say " Not like anything we have ever faced". Do you know something we ought to know?

Barry St John 02-19-2006 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by kandgo
I have asked the same question before, and have yet to recieve any viable reason as to why, I too question someone who does not live here or makes a choice to not live here as to why they think they have the right to say or have an opinion about our Country?? I myself can honestly say it is offensive in every manner. And Mextan knows how I have stated my stand in the past. But it is good that you ask such a question Dirteater? Goodluck,,Rick

I much prefer that the first sound I hear is one of a warning than one of a knife snickin its way between my ribs!!! Whatever the purpose it's getting people's attention. I was in southern cali recently and needed to get directions during the middle of the night. The easy place to stop was gas stations naturally and it took a couple of stops at different stations to find someone that I could understand. Why are we letting people immigrate into this country without emphasizing learning our language?? I for one am proud of this country and proud of our language and culture. Anyone who does not respect that IS THE ENEMY!!! We need to find a way fast to regain control of our country before it's too late. The only effective way we have of doing that at this time is to get involved in some way. At the very least vote and know what you are voting for. It also might help to start to clean up our own act. A simple example is to keep the noise down driving through a residential area or being a little selective about blowing a big cloud of smoke. If you antagonize enough people they will get together and find a way to take your toys away!! It's better to let them make a fool out of themselves first. Then kill them and throw them in the creek. At least your conscience will be clear!

Redleg 02-19-2006 10:01 AM

Exactly! Now your comeing around. Just kidding. :p

I concur with your statement about never faceing an enemy like this before, but that doesn't spell defeat. We're use to somebody (here and abroad) always trying to take our freedom. Their mistake is they think this is new to us and we won't know how to react. When the other countries mentioned have a taste of full-blown liberty, not necessarily a cloned democracy, they won't give it up and will help smooth the bumps in the road. Why do you think the police recruits in Iraq keep lineing up, knowing they are a high-priority target? The fighting is comeing from Syria and Iran to ptrevent us from stabilizing the region and robbing them of power. They are routeing their efforts through a group that has been in supreme control for over 30 years and doesn't want to settle for a middle-of-the-road status.

boiler-rat 02-19-2006 10:21 AM

As True Today as it Ever Was

Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and NOTHING BUT an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but ONE flag, the American flag, We have room for but ONE language here, and that is the English language and We have room for but ONE sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

That should be a STRICTLY enforced law!! Thanks for posting that TexasCTD!

koogala 02-19-2006 10:55 AM

We have been our own worst enemies on this thing. The vast majority of mexicans that came here in the late 60's - early 70's came here filling back-breaking ,crappy jobs that none of us "Hard-working Americans" wanted or wouldtake. At 5 years old I met my first "wetback" His name was Jose. He worked on my fathers ranch, which I grew up on. He taught me to speak broken Spanish.
He stayed here five years STRAIGHT. During that time, he spent 5 Christmases with us. My mother fixed him 3 squares a day, seven days a week

I saw Jose single handedly cut, stack, & clear 50 to 60 acres of mesquite brush with an axe. He did not drink. He did not smoke. He visited a little every
now & then with other wets.
As time went on,into the eighties, immigrants started leaving the back -breaking, small money jobs going to the cities where money was better, living
conditions were better, much like ANYONE WITH A PEA-SIZED brain WOULD
have done. There again they started at the bottom in food service & construction. They now dominate these two segments of the economy in this
country & are slowly beginning to take others.
As with anything you get the good AND the bad. We also get the crime, the sicko's, & last but CERTAINLY not least, THOSE WHO WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND MILK THEM FOR ALL THIER WORTH!
As it stands in my rural area now the agriculture situation is bad. Cattle bring good money BUT cheap labor is a thing of the past,there is an extreme drought so there is nothing to eat for the cows, and the expense of doing it all is an ABOMINATION.(NOT TO MENTION PROPERTY TAXES)

All in all, I'm out of the cattle business, leasing out the place. I work in town for the electric co-op. Monday-Friday,health ins., 401-k, etc. Ranching doesn't provide benefits, you make your own. (The immigrants and illegals know this as well)
I still see Jose. He works on a man's place about 3 miles from me. When I met him he was 19. He is now 57 years old. He is a good, good friend.
People wonder why Bush doesn't do something with the border (Terrorism & all) The reason is he doesn't want to break the economy of this country.
Entry level homes in subdivisions would cost 1/4 million. A Big Mac & fries
would be $12.99. Everything in this country is produced abroad. Where was

We are our own worst enemy. We all want the good life. I do too. But it comes with a price. I wish the best for everyone :)

tweeter 02-19-2006 12:03 PM

2 things: 1st, someone should send Teddys 07 speach up here to our government, they just got elected, and have already made a good start by saying the gun registry is on the way out. 2nd, uh Hannibal, was that post for real???? [eyecrazy]

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