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Old 11-23-2005, 05:52 AM
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All we need is a plan ... everyone needs to have a plan .... that way we have starting point in which to deviate from .

The trouble with walking around the house with a hammer in your hand is that, pretty soon, everything starts to look like a nail. -Mark Twain

**Not really a quote, but here it is anyways ...
Negotiation At Its Best: J. P. Morgan was interested in buying a pearl pin. The jeweler he approached found the perfect pin and sent it in a box to Morgan with a bill for $5,000. The following day the box was returned with a note from Morgan: "I like the pin, but I don't like the price. If you will accept the enclosed check for $4,000, please send back the box which is sealed with the seal unbroken." The enraged jeweler returned the check to the messenger and dismissed him in anger.

He opened the box to remove the pin only to find that it had already been replaced with a check from Morgan for $5,000.

Old 11-23-2005, 06:22 AM
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Dad, your not really a Christian, your more of a secular extremist.
- My 12 year old daughter.

It’s not that I am afraid to die, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.
Woody Allen

"What does not kill only makes you stronger...or horribly cripples you for life. It's your choice."
- Ian Woolley

It is not enough to succeed, others must fail.
- Gore Vidal

This has become a condom-nation.

If you don’t get hit, you win
- Sensei Al Gardner

Leave the Guns, take the canoli
Old 11-23-2005, 06:49 AM
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There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result.
- Winston Churchill

...If I seem to give a ****, please tell me. I would hate to be giving the wrong impression.

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda

Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.
- Aaron Levenstein

Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared, for the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer.
- Charles Caleb Colton

It is a mistake to allow any mechanical object to realize that you are in a hurry.
- Ralph's Observation

If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished.

It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

The only difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.

Always remember to pillage BEFORE you burn
- Unknown

On a tombstone in Kentucky:

For 30 years
Beneath the sod
With pick and spade
I did my task
The Coal King’s slave
‘Till now, thank God
I’m free at last

I hate people who are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.
- Anonymous

Poor people are crazy. I'm eccentric.
- Dennis Hopper, Speed

The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else do it wrong without comment.
- Theodore H. White

Please complete this phrase "no additional French troops were deployed on the north side of": a) the city on Thursday, before the riot began, because commanders felt the existing number was sufficient. b) France, in WWII, because commanders felt the existing number was sufficient. c) Vietnam, before the communist uprising, because commanders felt the existing number was sufficient. d) this is a trick question. Everyone knows the French don't deploy soldiers on the north side of anything.
- Scott Potter

If you hold anything back, I’ll kill you.
If you bend the truth or I think you’re bending the truth, I’ll kill you.
If you forget anything, I’ll kill you.
In fact, you’re going to have to work very hard to stay alive, Nick.
Now, do you understand everything I’ve said?
Because if you don’t, I’ll kill you.
- Rory Breaker; Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels

.....OK, gotta' quit now. I have way too many sayings saved up over the years.....
Old 11-23-2005, 06:54 AM
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I've got a shotgun, a rifle and a four wheel drive.........
Hank Jr.
Old 11-23-2005, 02:07 PM
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Just when you make something idiot proof . . . they make a better idiot!
Old 11-23-2005, 02:22 PM
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Now He's DED dead.....
-My brother in-law when playing socom navy seals
Old 11-23-2005, 09:00 PM
It's my pot and I'll stir it if I want to. If you're not careful, I'll stir your's as well!
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Speaking of the threat posed by al Qaeda; "We haven't killed enough of them."
Senator Richard Shelby August 4, 2002

"Am I the only one who has noticed the same people who complained that we didn't 'connect the dots' prior to 9-11, are now complaining that we connected the dots in Iraq?"
Rush Limbaugh

"There is only one thing that can kill the movies, and that is education."
Will Rogers

"Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us worthy evidence of the fact."
George Eliot

"Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he isn't. A sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is."
Horace Walpole English novelist

"Bite the wax tadpole."
Coca Cola, as first translated into Chinese

"Wars teach us not to love our enemies, but to hate our allies."
W. L. George

"The men American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try and tell them the truth."
H. L. Mencken

"Not even computers will replace committees, because committees buy computers."
Edward Shepherd Mead
Old 11-23-2005, 09:29 PM
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Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose."
- Ronald Reagan

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the
government and I'm here to help."

- Ronald Reagan

"Of the four wars in my lifetime none came about because the U.S. was
too strong."

- Ronald Reagan

"I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandment's would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress."

- Ronald Reagan

"The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government
but doesn't have to take the civil service examination."

- Ronald Reagan

"Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite
at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other."

- Ronald Reagan

"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a
nation gone under."

- Ronald Reagan

"The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is
a government program."

- Ronald Reagan

"I've laid down the law, though, to everyone from now on about
anything that happens: no matter what time it is, wake me, even if
it's in the middle of a Cabinet meeting."

- Ronald Reagan

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession I
have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first."

- Ronald Reagan

"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short
phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if
it stops moving, subsidize it."

- Ronald Reagan

"Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many
rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book."

- Ronald Reagan

"No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so
formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.

- Ronald Reagan
Old 11-23-2005, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by davemac
Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose."
- Ronald Reagan

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the
government and I'm here to help."

- Ronald Reagan

"Of the four wars in my lifetime none came about because the U.S. was
too strong."

- Ronald Reagan

"I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandment's would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress."

- Ronald Reagan

"The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government
but doesn't have to take the civil service examination."

- Ronald Reagan

"Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite
at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other."

- Ronald Reagan

"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a
nation gone under."

- Ronald Reagan

"The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is
a government program."

- Ronald Reagan

"I've laid down the law, though, to everyone from now on about
anything that happens: no matter what time it is, wake me, even if
it's in the middle of a Cabinet meeting."

- Ronald Reagan

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession I
have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first."

- Ronald Reagan

"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short
phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if
it stops moving, subsidize it."

- Ronald Reagan

"Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many
rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book."

- Ronald Reagan

"No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so
formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.

- Ronald Reagan
Excellent Davemac!!!!!! He was the best President during my life. Now let's hear some Clinton quotes...........

"I feel your pain."

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

"It depends on what the meaning of "is" is."
Old 11-25-2005, 09:30 AM
It's my pot and I'll stir it if I want to. If you're not careful, I'll stir your's as well!
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"There was another war-related casualty today. The French were injured when they tried to jump on our bandwagon."
Jay Leno

"When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property."
Thomas Jefferson

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man."
Mark Twain

You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the US of arrogance and Germany doesn't want to go to war."

"I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress."
President Ronald Reagan

"Islam is a religion in which God requires you to send your son to die for him...... Christianity is a faith in which God sent his Son to die for you."
Attorney General John Ashcroft

"The other thing we have to do is to take seriously the role in this problem of...older men who prey on underage women...There are consequences to decisions and...one way or the other, people always wind up being held accountable."
Bill Clinton, June 13, 1996

After U.S. Troops Penetrated Central Baghdad: April 5, 2003
"They are not near Baghdad. Don't believe them.... They said they entered with... tanks in the middle of the capital. They claim that they - I tell you, I... that this speech is too far from the reality. It is a part of this sickness of their plan. There is no an... - no any existence to the American troops or for the troops in Baghdad at all."
Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf 'Baghdad Bob'

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."--Groucho Marx
Old 11-25-2005, 09:35 AM
It's my pot and I'll stir it if I want to. If you're not careful, I'll stir your's as well!
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A collection of quotes from Baghdad Bob can be read on:

Old 11-27-2005, 05:14 PM
I was banned per my own request for speaking the name Pelosi
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Theodore Roosevelt on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN

"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Old 11-27-2005, 05:25 PM
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Smart man.
Hyphenated Americans ............You either IS an American, or you AIN'T .

Make a decision.
Old 11-27-2005, 05:44 PM
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You either IS an American, or you AIN'T .

Shovelhead 11/27/2005.
Old 11-27-2005, 06:05 PM
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Men read science fiction to build the future. Women don't need to read it, they are the future.
- Ray Bradbury

Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name, is so when they know they are really in trouble.
-Dennis Faker

People need responsibility. The resist assuming it, but they cannot live without it.
-John Steinbeck

Good insticts usually tell you what to do long before your head has it figured out.
-Michael Burke

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