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Onemoparnut 05-23-2011 04:14 PM

Thanks everyone I have been so caught up in my own worries that I hadn't even heard about the tornadoes. Those people need more prayers than I do that is a shame.

wyododge 05-23-2011 09:45 PM

Prayers from Wyoming and ND. We have a prayer meeting after our morning meetings, I will ask all the others to pray for your lovely wife, and those you trust in her care.

Joplin Missouri as well. Man, those poor people.

delaford321 05-24-2011 10:44 AM

Definitely been praying for Joplin... I thought I saw that Minneapolis was also hit pretty bad too. Was that a tornado or just really strong winds?

Onemoparnut 05-24-2011 02:41 PM

Well all the prayers must have helped she made it through surgery and is now in a room recovering. They will do a test tomorrow morning and probably discharge her tomorrow afternoon. Thank you all very much.

Mexstan 05-24-2011 03:25 PM

Prayer works! Absolutely no doubt about it! Remembered Jen this morning in my prayers. She got the break she deserved.

Thanks for updating us with the good news. Let us know how her speedy recovery goes. Will still keep her in my prayers for now.

Now the two of you need to give a huge thanks to the One that helped the surgeons and Jen.

Onemoparnut 05-24-2011 04:10 PM

I always give thanks and praise to god he is truly great!!!

Scotty 05-24-2011 04:13 PM

Great news Bill. [coffee]

FiverBob 06-17-2011 02:45 PM

Prayer for Scotty and his dad
Just talked with Scotty and he received word his father has had a major heart attack or stroke - - not sure which one yet. Let's send prayers to God for our friend that he will be supported and have understanding and strength thru this. He needs us in this gang - - he is hurting.


Totallyrad 06-17-2011 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by FiverBob (Post 2982180)
Just talked with Scotty and he received word his father has had a major heart attack or stroke - - not sure which one yet. Let's send prayers to God for our friend that he will be supported and have understanding and strength thru this. He needs us in this gang - - he is hurting.


Been sending, time to turn up the volume.:cool:

Mexstan 06-17-2011 04:11 PM

Scotty, like Rick said, the volume is being turned up. Prayers said for you, your father and all family affected by this. It is a rough time for all. Please keep us posted on how your father is doing and just as importantly, how YOU are doing.

Bob, thanks for posting this prayer request for one of ours.

baddodges 06-17-2011 05:19 PM

please pray for the safe return of my son and his fellow marines in truk co.he calls when he can.but can only tell us things have been interesting since they got bin laudin,supposed to be home in november or early dec.thanks

Mexstan 06-17-2011 07:39 PM

Done. May every one of them return home safely and in one piece.

FiverBob 06-21-2011 10:09 AM

Thanks for that reminder to pray for our troops. And, we need to expand that prayer to include those who have control over the deployment of our troops. Are they where they should be and doing what is most important for our country, or are they political pawns caught in a trap? Boy, our country needs to return to God and repent - - we have come a long ways from our founder's intentions. Really alarming. God forgive America and help us return to your intentions for our great nation.


fastlane 07-02-2011 06:39 PM

Pray for my brother, Justin. He is/was in Afghanistan, His convoy got hit by a IED.... He lost his leg, and a few fingers, has internal injuries, but he is alive. He is on his way to Germany right now, should be in the states soon.

Mexstan 07-02-2011 06:44 PM

Oh boy, that is a rough one. Prayers said and will continue. Please keep us posted on his progress.
When you can, please tell Justin I say thanks for his service which is now a sacrifice. Just hate to hear this kind of news.

Totallyrad 07-02-2011 08:28 PM

Prayers sent from here Fastlane.

wyododge 07-02-2011 09:27 PM

Prayers for your bro, and for the painful demise of the heathenous cowards hiding in the bushes fighting like the cockroaches they are.

fastlane 07-03-2011 03:04 PM

My brother has now lost both his legs, he is to unstable to make it to Germany. They say he is fighting for his life right now.

Mexstan 07-03-2011 03:24 PM

Prayers were sent for Justin early this morning, but with this bad news, will stop everything and pray again and often. Please keep us posted on what is happening with him. Also praying for the the attending surgeons and all his medical team. Additional prayers for you and the rest of the family.

03RAMBUNCTIOUS 07-03-2011 05:34 PM

Prayers from Iowa sent.

chaikwa 07-03-2011 06:55 PM

Prayers from here too. LOTS of them.

Your brother is going to be ok, just don't ask me how I know.

Scotty 07-03-2011 07:46 PM

Prayers from here.

Totallyrad 07-03-2011 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by Mexstan (Post 2988951)
Prayers were sent for Justin early this morning, but with this bad news, will stop everything and pray again and often. Please keep us posted on what is happening with him. Also praying for the the attending surgeons and all his medical team. Additional prayers for you and the rest of the family.

Same here Justin!

Lary Ellis (Top) 07-03-2011 09:17 PM

Prayers from WV

Shovelhead 07-03-2011 09:43 PM

Prayers sent up from Burkeville, VA.

BC847 07-03-2011 10:02 PM

With you.

madhat 07-03-2011 11:32 PM

Prayers from a Jarhead here. I have had a few friends go through this, and it is very hard. Stay strong, he'll need you. Everything will be ok in the end.


FiverBob 07-03-2011 11:34 PM

Hatred is a horrible way to live and we have so much of it in this world. Radicals who only know to kill others who do not believe like they do. Just prayed for our wounded for healing and safety for all our service people over there - - and will keep it up - - keep us posted on progress.


Polaraco 07-03-2011 11:55 PM

here too

Blake Clark 07-04-2011 07:47 AM


Prayers from South Louisiana. Tell that Hero he has all or our love and support!

John_P 07-04-2011 08:48 AM

Prayers from eastern N.C. also!


LeviMXUSMC 07-04-2011 11:04 AM

Prayers from West Florida and anouther U.S. Marine.

DieselDaze 07-05-2011 08:47 AM

Prayers from here as well Fastlane.

cougar 07-11-2011 10:50 AM

Prayer Request
Had to take my wife to the hospital yesterday, she was trying to kill herself again. She has a mental illness that causes her to think something is wrong with her and will start "self treating" herself even if it kills her. Yesterday morning she bathed in bug poison thinking she was covered in mites and lice. This had been going on sense the dog attack a month and a half ago. The trauma that triggered the process. Doctor says she will recover from the poison, but for now she is under a suicide watch.

Totallyrad 07-11-2011 11:09 AM

Prayers already on the way Cougar.

chaikwa 07-11-2011 11:13 AM

That has to be tough on you too Cougar. I wish there was something I could do to help you. For now, I'll say a prayer for you both.

Mexstan 07-11-2011 11:32 AM

Like Scott said, this is rough on both of you. Prayers said for the the two of you from down here.

XLR8R 07-11-2011 01:07 PM

I pray God will heal your wife of whatever is afflicting her!

A troubled spouse is a heavy burden to bear - thankful I don't have to carry it anymore... remember He won't allow anything on your shoulders too big to carry.

twichit 07-11-2011 04:13 PM

Hi if you guys could pray for itd be family and i have not been getting along at all, im am no longer living at home.. and today i got back to where im staying an my gf pulled me aside to talk to me about how much iv been drinkin.....some time this week im supposed to sit down with one of my friends from church to talk over my family issues...if you could keep me in mind itd be good thanks guys

Bark 07-11-2011 04:32 PM

Thoughts are with you dennis. PS: I could always come up with a thousand reasons to drink when things got bad. Of course every one of them made things worse but I finally figured it out. You will too.

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