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NJTman 08-28-2019 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by FiverBob (Post 3363762)
Talked with Scotty at length last night, Tuesday, 8/27. He was in a much better frame of mind. All the gears seem finally to be meshing. He was in a
beautiful Best Western suite on the top floor over looking Calgary. He had just arrived and unpacked. He finally got all his culture reports from both
of the facilities that had taken them and found interesting discrepancies in those from one of them - - not the first time for them nor the doctor
that was working on him. He will be meeting with the doctor on Thursday for final testing and setting up the arrangements for the operation on
Friday. His wife will be flying in on Thursday night to be with him over the weekend, then have to head back home to work.

Scott was much more upbeat and could see daylight at the end of the tunnel. He felt God was definitely in what was happening from the new
information about the cultures, the beautiful living quarters at the price of a cheap hotel room, the great doctor in Calgary he has and they
are letting him stay in this suite at this price during recovery. So, he will probably be there for a while. He would definitely appreciate your
prayers for him during this week and in recovery - - this is going to be quite an operation and he definitely does not the final option of
removal of the shoulder and arm. So, join me in bringing Scotty before God for help, for guidance to the surgeon and for quick recovery.
His employer has been helping him in spite of him not able to work and promised Scotty he has a job when he gets back and even has
some neat plans in using his creativity in some other locations. He is excited about that and anxious to get on with it. Been too long.

God Bless you,


Positive and hopeful thoughts sent his way.

Keep us posted

Mexstan 08-28-2019 08:54 PM

Already been holding Scotty up in prayer. Thanks for the update. Will continue and increase the prayers.

cougar 05-23-2021 01:10 PM

My wife and I were infected by the virus. I am home slowly recovering. My wife is still in the hospital, possibly for another week. You find out quickly how fast the people that say they are here to help will help you. Finally on the meals on wheels list for deliveries. I need domestic help as well, but no one wants to come near a COVID positive person even though they are no longer infected. Your thoughts and prayers will be greatly appreciated

Mexstan 05-23-2021 04:41 PM

Cougar, sorry to hear about your predicament. Will pray for your situation.

Hope that you are doing lots to build up your immune system and general health.

oliver foster 05-24-2021 08:31 AM

Hoping for a smooth recovery for you both.

cougar 05-24-2021 09:35 AM

Thanks, we appreciate it. We have been taking all the appropriate supplements, but it didn't help.

Mexstan 05-24-2021 02:14 PM

Did you try Ivermectin? Yeah, I know that big pharma is against this, but there have been outstanding results in places that have used this extensively. Look into this.
Don't forget the vitamin C and D. Also zinc.

pind 05-24-2021 11:23 PM


zinc, selenium, vitamin c/d/b12 and quinine. Quinine can be had from juniper berries

cougar 05-25-2021 11:32 AM

Taking the usual suspects, but a lot of things are hard to if not impossible to get up here. The shelves at the stores are empty, and like ammo people are waiting at the door for it to come in. Mail order is the same problem, we don't ship to your address.

cougar 05-27-2021 10:57 AM

Thanks for your prayers. Wife is home and doing fair. I'm still dragging along. At least between the two of us we can make a decent meal, which is a real morale booster. The local grocery stores decided we where too far away and declined to deliver. So I ordered up 2 weeks of grub and picked it up.$400 for basic staples.

cougar 02-02-2023 08:18 AM

Hey gang, got a prayer request for a friend in Canada, Nigel whose wife is having heart troubles.

Mexstan 02-02-2023 08:29 AM

Done. Wonder if she was jabbed? Seems like every day lately there are more and more reports of heart problems, death and permanent injury for those who got jabbed.

NJTman 02-02-2023 09:04 AM

Originally Posted by Mexstan (Post 3383373)
Done. Wonder if she was jabbed? Seems like every day lately there are more and more reports of heart problems, death and permanent injury for those who got jabbed.

Yes sir, same scenario here. Lots of friends getting sick constantly, having strokes, being hospitalized, and STILL NOT GETTING the relationship between.

My doc, who's actually human, took my wife and I to the side and told us that between 2023 and 2026 we will lose approximately 120 million due to the poison Gates delivery system. It's to start as a dribble, but then to ramp up as things "move along". MSM continued propoganda will say it's "normal", and no one will make a stink about it that either doesn't care, or eats this stuff:


Wife works in a mom and pop shop who selling high end bling stuff for people with excess financial reserves. Out of 17 employees, my wife and "Bob" haven't taken the death shot. Wife will not discuss anything with them, as they're on a different playing field than we are. She does, however, listen very carefully, as with poor eyesight, the other senses overcome. Not one of them sees any correlation with this and all of them being constantly sick, requiring cardiologists, not feeling well, etc. Some even go as far as saying "I need to get boosted, as I don't think they're working", over and over again. Not one of them has heard about the Project Veritas expose', and not one of them ever will, as they choose not to.

Bob and my wife will not be able to run the store, so at some point things will change drastically.

Mexstan 02-02-2023 09:31 AM

Much has been written about decreasing the world population. Here is just one short extract:The world's most renowned population analyst has called for a massive reduction in the number of humans and for natural resources to be redistributed from the rich to the poor.

Paul Ehrlich, Bing professor of population studies at Stanford University in California and author of the best-selling Population Bomb book in 1968, goes much further than the Royal Society in London which this morning said that physical numbers were as important as the amount of natural resources consumed.

The optimum population of Earth – enough to guarantee the minimal physical ingredients of a decent life to everyone – was 1.5 to 2 billion people rather than the 7 billion who are alive today or the 9 billion expected in 2050, said Ehrlich in an interview with the Guardian.

"How many you support depends on lifestyles. We came up with 1.5 to 2 billion because you can have big active cities and wilderness. If you want a battery chicken world where everyone has minimum space and food and everyone is kept just about alive you might be able to support in the long term about 4 or 5 billion people. But you already have 7 billion. So we have to humanely and as rapidly as possible move to population shrinkage."

Hmmm, could this be starting with the excuse of the scamdemic and the forced vaccinations that do not work as advertised. Yeah, I know I am opening a can of worms with what I just said.

NJTman 02-02-2023 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by Mexstan (Post 3383380)
Much has been written about decreasing the world population.

we have to humanely and as rapidly as possible move to population shrinkage."

Hmmm, could this be starting with the excuse of the scamdemic and the forced vaccinations that do not work as advertised. Yeah, I know I am opening a can of worms with what I just said.

Interesting video if you have the time to sit and listen.
Climate Science: What Does it Say? | Dr. Richard Lindzen | EP 320 - YouTube
This renowned professor has a lot of interesting things to say. Canadian, Jordan Peterson has a long talk with this fella. the first 20 minutes or so is all about Dr. Lindzen's work, which just sets the tone. It gets much more interesting after

They speak (as your article mentioned) of the Malthusianism Theories aka Petri dish theory, where you have a confined space (our earth), a certain amount of consumables, and an every increasing population (one cell microbes placed in the petri dish). They "fear" the consumables will be wiped out, and there will be nothing left, therefore wiping out most of the population, resets the clock to consuming everything up. Yeah sure. Okay. The entire global climate change is a farce that was developed to move forwards with their plans of altering the coarse of human population by tricking people into thinking "doomsday, here we come".

As you will hear in the video with Dr. L., the reduction in consumption is for you, me, and every other microbe out there. They, on the other hand, have no intention of slowing down their consumption and or usage, as they're not one celled microbes.

You're just a microbe, Senior Mexistan, and your existence doesn't matter according to the elites, which is why they want you dead.

cougar 02-04-2023 12:18 PM

I've lost 2 aviation friends in the last month from sudden death. Both heart attacks and both jabbed. I don't know about my friends' wife. I lost my sense of smell and taste after the Fouci flue. Everything smells metallic. My wife lost all her hair. At least she is getting it back.

cougar 01-01-2024 08:43 AM

Thoughts and prayers for those in Japan after suffering a 7.2 earthquake yesterday. Damage is bad. They were spared a major tsunami though.

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