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FiverBob 11-22-2006 12:34 PM

How I try to bring a little sophistication to this bunch of diesel sniffers. I try to allow them to savour some of the finer things of life. Introduce new and exciting things into their surroundings so they can appreciate something really great. Foo foo coffee?????? What will it take to get you to clean up your act a bit???? [dummy] [dummy] [dummy] Oh well, I will just make my own cup of Toasted Almond Creme with a double and go enjoy it in the corner with my book on neuclear physics. [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

Wow, cold snap down here - - we set a new low yesterday - - we did not hit 60 degrees. I can't remember when that happened. Heading for about 73 tomorrow so it is turkey din din in the patio. We will have a house full - - yeh, and they ALL appreciate "foo foo" coffee. I will probably run out by the time the bunch leaves - - they are all coffee hounds. Wonder who taught them that bad habit?

Have a great turkey day.


Fronty Owner 11-22-2006 12:56 PM

I see alot of people that need to spend some time on a sub. This constant "out of coffee" is unacceptable. If one pot is half gone, brew the next.

chaikwa 11-22-2006 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by Fronty Owner (Post 1219629)
This constant "out of coffee" is unacceptable. If one pot is half gone, brew the next.

Yeah well, that works well in THEORY, but when you only got one pot to use, it's tough gettin' that second one done! :o

Originally Posted by PistolWhipt (Post 1219573)
The CO decided that "the boys" and the rest of us needed a pre-emptive fat prevention run today in preparation for turkey day .... a 10 mile HILL run [laugh] . Thank God for unlimited refills of Motrin, my knees are mush !!

Ain't you a little OLD for that stuff Pistol? Maybe it's the military's way of attempting a 'down-sizing' of the old timers before they're eligible for retirement? I'm glad you're still able to do that, because Lord knows I sure couldn't!

Originally Posted by FiverBob (Post 1219608)
How I try to bring a little sophistication to this bunch of diesel sniffers. I try to allow them to savour some of the finer things of life. Introduce new and exciting things into their surroundings so they can appreciate something really great.

"Introduce new and exciting things"??? Like WHAT? I wouldn't exactly call speedo's 'new and exciting'! Well, maybe to your wife. Or Geico.[tapdshut]

Originally Posted by FiverBob (Post 1219608)
What will it take to get you to clean up your act a bit????

I DID clean up my act... the day we went to breakfast! How many times a year you expect me to do that? [laugh]
Just keep that foo-foo junque outta my pot please! What an after-taste that leaves! [yuk]

I know what a dedicated bunch of people we have here at DTR, so I'm settin' up a pot so that it's brewed and ready for tomorrow AM. Some of you will be in I'm sure. And if you're travelin' somewhere tomorrow and need a first thing in the mornin' pick-me-up, stop in and grab a's a good way to get your eyes open!


Mexstan 11-22-2006 05:48 PM

Will you guys up north quit messing with the weather!!!! Got up this morning to find frost on the windshield of my truck!!!!!!! Frost!!!! Not only that, but it was a freeeeeeeeeezzzzzing 34 degrees!!!!!!
Have not seen frost for a couple of years. Not nice!!!!
Had to even wear a jacket when I went outside as the wind was cold. Nobody has seen me in a jacket for years.

Justwannabeme 11-22-2006 09:10 PM

But I just wanted to share!!
YEAH!! Now it's a Holiday!!

You guys would complain about diesel smoke too, so enjoy the change of seasons I granted you!!!

Canadian Scotty's out and about so someone from the frozen North had to remind you all (or Y'all South of Detroit) that you needed one more reason to be THANKFUL!!!

desserts are made and in the fridge;

deer are lookin at us funny near the fence, and

everything good is cookin' up for tomorrow!

All of you that have to work, c'mon and join us (grab a wrench there, eh? ) NORMAL one fisted coffee is on, radio loud, and there is one comfy chair left.......[laugh] and just get along with the foo foo janitor.

Shovelhead 11-23-2006 06:51 AM

Thanksgiving Morning.
I'm thankful for a the Wifey who puts up with me day after day and hasn't (yet) smothered me in my sleep with a pillow, a fresh pot of coffee and leftover cold pizza, a roof over my head, income that exceeds outgo at the end of the month, the ability to wake up each day in the land of the free, and very special thanks to those who choose to dedicate their lives to the service and protection of our great country in our military, law enforcement, and fire service.

Redleg 11-23-2006 07:56 AM

Happy turkey day. Just in out of the woods for some holiday pay today. Had to lose the scruff so nobody would start handing me bowl brushes and coffee pots.... told the janitor they were cancelling the ballons in the parade due to high winds. He mumbled something about no thanksgiving without underdog and disappeared. Wouldn't be surprised to catch a glimpse of him on t.v. with some goofy rigging holding a ballon under control.

A few more connections in the house and the boiler stove will be ready to go. Kaley's gonna have some heat out in the "kennel" this year too. Been too busy hunting and getting the stove going for pictures just yet. I plan on some before I build the shed around it soon though. I see the liberals that just got re-elected in this state just pased a bill allowing the natural gas companies and others to raise heating fuel by 40%.... so much for looking out for the little guy.

Fronty Owner 11-23-2006 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by chaikwa (Post 1219838)
Yeah well, that works well in THEORY, but when you only got one pot to use, it's tough gettin' that second one done! :o

every good sailor knows to keep two coffee pots side by side as redundancy.

FiverBob 11-23-2006 07:14 PM

I know how the turkey feels now - - I am stuffed. Wow, wifey did a number. Gorgeous weather so we set up the tables in the patio and enjoyed the sunshine and birds singing. Great meal. Good company. Family in for the weekend. Grandkids wrestling and tearing stuff up - - what could be better? Hope yours was a good one - - you too, maid, even if you didn't make us coffee today. [laugh]


chaikwa 11-23-2006 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by FiverBob (Post 1221089)
Hope yours was a good one - - you too, maid, even if you didn't make us coffee today. [laugh] StuffedBob

I DID make coffee... ya just gotta get up before noontime to get any. But we've been thru that before! Glad you had a good turkey day Bob. Hope everyone here did too.

Fronty, every good sailor may know to keep two coffee pots side by side as redundancy, but I ain't no sailor. Apparently, neither is Top, because he won't give me a bigger coffee machine nor an extra pot!

Red, you got a LOT more scruff to grow before you can come close to lookin' like a proper janitor! [laugh] When you take a 2 year vacation let me know and THEN we can compare!

I'm about as stuffed as one can get without [yuk] everywhere, so I'm turnin' in early. Try and keep it quiet so I can get my beauty rest!


shortround 11-24-2006 03:46 AM

0315 and [coffee] is a steaming.
I have donated a brand spanking new pot to youse guys. Might not be quite up to the transplanted Massechucionians standards right now due to new pot break in syndrome, but this one oughta work and keep the belly aching to a minimum, if the instructions are folled to the letter.
It's made with CRES therefore it will never need to be scrubed.

It's a double boiler where the WELL water is turned to saturated steam and then is directed to the ONE POUND heap of LUZIANNE (white can coffee and chickory) topped off with just a tad of salt to knock the bitterness off.

It can be rinsed, but only when the interior color is a burnished bronze color. Kinda like the screw, propeller to non squids, after a long run.

Fill the outer container till water comes out of the overflow hole.
Fill the inner basket with grounds and salt lightly.
Insure you have a minimum of 220V 100 A available. If not, refer to " rigging for reduced electrical" tab.
Push the GREEN "press to test" push button to test the "COFFEE READY" rotating beacon.
Push the RED "press to test" push button to test the "LOW COFFEE" rotating beacon.
Lift the lid and push down on the toilet float looking thingy, AKA the "ZERO COFFEE" level sensor. All lights should go out and a pulsating siren should should be present.
Push the "RESET ALL ALARMS" push button. All indicators should light for 5 seconds and extinguish.

shortround 11-24-2006 03:51 AM

continuing on
When Pre Operational Checks are complete. Raise the "MAIN POWER" switch to the "ON" position. You will hear a low pitched whine that will increase in pitch. When the "POWER" meter indicated 40%, release the switch as the pot is now self sustaining.

Shovelhead 11-24-2006 05:49 AM

Sitting at work.
Hoping it's gonna be a slow day.
Unfortunately we seem to be blessed with a GS-11 who thinks if he cracks the whip and keeps everyone busy on days like this, he'll get noticed by his boss.
He may be right, I'm sure his boss will notice the muffled boom after someone rolls a M-67 Frag grenade under this clown's desk.[tapdshut]

On a lighter note..........Coffees ready [laugh]

Have a great DTR Day. :D

FiverBob 11-24-2006 07:28 AM

Holy Smoke - - think I will not hang around SR's coffee pot - - that thing might zap ya. :o Guess we are still going to hang around the janitor's pot and see what happens. Too bad he couldn't get his tail out of bed this morning. Probably needs a crane to lift him out of the bed. [laugh]

Actually slept great - - wondered when the head hit the pillow cause the belly was asking "what have you done to me????" Boy was I stuffed. Sure good though. Oh well, oatmeal and water all day today. Gorgeous out again today - - heading for 78 - - I think I hear that oatmeal calling out on the patio. See ya,


madhat 11-24-2006 07:47 AM

Originally Posted by Shovelhead (Post 1221468)
Unfortunately we seem to be blessed with a GS-11 who thinks if he cracks the whip and keeps everyone busy on days like this, he'll get noticed by his boss.

You too? I know that guy... couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag, but bows up on you like he's someone? I don't even work for this guy...

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