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Scotty 01-09-2017 03:07 PM

Rhonda needs to up her game. She's slacked off after making it to the top.

FiverBob 01-09-2017 07:08 PM

I slacked off too. Trouble is I am on the bottom of the heap ..............:o.............[verymad]

Lary Ellis (Top) 01-09-2017 09:46 PM

I am working on the heavy bag my kidney punches and trachea stabs are still something to avoid ;)

Scotty 01-09-2017 10:32 PM

We put up a heavy bag at Christmas.
lets just say it had to be mounted better.

FiverBob 01-10-2017 05:33 AM

Originally Posted by Scotty (Post 3319038)
We put up a heavy bag at Christmas.
lets just say it had to be mounted better.

Probably because a certain little lady whopped it good and knocked it on top of your head. LOL

Nuther morn - - coffee and ph00 are on. Busy, so nuttin else with it, but enjoy the coffee.


Mexstan 01-10-2017 06:28 AM

Morning. Sounds like some of you are sort of messed up but will not go there. [laugh]

My day started quite a while ago, but now slowing down a bit and enjoying a coffee. Got to head out in a couple of hours as I am dog sitting a lab and a boxer for a couple of friends while they are away at the beach for 8 days. Need to go to their house twice a day and water and feed the mutts.

Glad that I dressed warm yesterday morning as I started my day working outside on the top of a hill next to a wall. There was quite a breeze blowing and the wall funneled the wind directly to where I was working. It was cool! By 10 a.m. the sun had warmed everything up nicely and the wind no longer bothered us and the sweater came off. Back to a shorts day.


railroaderone 01-11-2017 11:02 AM

Afternoon all 12N on the right coast fried baloney sandwich for lunch tomato cost to much this time of year.

Got to talk to Top yesterday in person, watch that jab it's mean, thanks for the help Top, it's made life easier.

Weather has warmed up to unseasonably warm here if the truck was up I be out riding my sxs today.
​​​​​​​Yall have a good one

Lary Ellis (Top) 01-11-2017 11:22 AM

Hey Clint always a pleasure to see you :)

Let me know when you head out on the trails again I need to get my ATV muddy ;)

Mexstan 01-11-2017 01:41 PM

Morning, afternoon or whatever, wherever you are.

Not much to report from Paradise. Still cool early in the morning, but it does warm up nicely later. Beautiful sunrise this morning. There were a few clouds around and the rising sun painted them various shades of pink and orange. Too bad the colors do not last for very long.

Got a strange whine starting from the engine of my truck. Can hear it from about 1,400 - 2,000 rpm. Thought that it may be an alternator bearing starting to die, but when I removed the belt, the alternator spun freely with no crunching. However, the new water pump that I recently installed makes a slight squeak when turned by hand. Sounds like a rubber squeak.

Anybody have any suggestions for a good anti-virus? Mine has just expired so am looking around to see what is best. The reviews for the usual top companies all show that that all of them work well, but most come with lots of garbage attached, The internet reviews for the top companies are all mixed, so am now confused. Yeah, yeah, I know, it does not take much!

Almost lunch time and already looking forward to eating.


sherod 01-11-2017 01:56 PM

Quick stop and go today. Got some good news from the Skin Doc. Nothing to worry about found today during my tune-up. No indications of the melanoma cropping up so next visit in 6 months.

FiverBob 01-11-2017 04:37 PM

Finally slowed down enough to pull the trigger on the peuter. Nobody made coffee or ph00 - - - so ph00eeee on it. Go without.

Just had to let you know I am still alive and pushing too hard.

Be good.


Lary Ellis (Top) 01-11-2017 05:31 PM

Stan PCMatic runs on a "Whitelist" allowing only programs to run that have proven to be OK rather than a "Blacklist" where someone has to report it and then it will stop it if it is on the list. That makes a lot more sense to me and should allow nothing through.

Mexstan 01-11-2017 07:58 PM

Lary, thanks for the suggestion. Never tried that route, but will certainly take a look at it.

There is a lovely full moon out tonight and the sky is perfectly clear too. When I lived in China, I never ever saw a full moon due to the air pollution. Only caught glimpses of the moon once in a blue moon.

Mexstan 01-12-2017 06:43 AM

Good morning. Coffee and ph00 are fresh, hot and awaiting your drinking pleasure. For those of you that add poisons to your hot drinks , ie sugar and artificial sweeteners, have done you a favour and dumped all of them and left some healthy honey instead. Enjoy! The late comers can bring some munchies or breakfast.

Looks like another fantastic day dawning down here. When I got up could still see the full moon, but now on the other side of my house.

Off and running. Have a LOT to accomplish today, starting by driving to a friends house and feeding and watering their lab and boxer while they are away. It's quite a circus when I show up there! They know the sound of my truck and head down to the gate as soon they hear it. It's sort of dangerous walking up the driveway as the two dogs are dancing around my feet and trying to trip me. Dogs sure make a person feel welcome!

L8tr, when I can come up for air - or a coffee.

Scotty 01-12-2017 06:59 AM

Crazy weather
-46C windchill or -50.8F

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