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Mexstan 08-22-2015 11:50 AM

Don't know about you, but I am going to believe that it was the prayers that helped this situation turn out like it did.
Thanks for letting us know how this turned out.

Scotty 09-26-2015 09:47 PM

Got a text from a close friend, his daughter is in ICU, no other details other than its very serious.
Her name his Carrie.
Her mom and dad are Becca and Gary.
He asked for Prayers.

Mexstan 09-26-2015 10:03 PM

Scotty, prayers said and will continue to pray until you say otherwise.

Also praying for the attending medical staff for Divine guidance to do the right thing.

sherod 09-27-2015 05:34 AM

Scotty, on the way for Carrie, Becca and Gary.

Justwannabeme 09-27-2015 07:34 AM

sending Prayer for Angels of comfort. God Bless this family in their time of need, thank you Heavenly father for your guidance and wisdom.

Scotty 09-27-2015 08:44 AM

No changes, still very critical.
Will update asap

Totallyrad 09-27-2015 08:53 AM

Add me to the list, prayers en-route.

Scotty 09-29-2015 09:12 PM

Carie is off the ventilator and feeding tube. Last count she had 9 i.v. drips running.
The next few days in ICU is to see if she does OK weaning off the meds and watched close for other damage.
So far the girl is pulling thru.
Thank you for the Prayers.

Mexstan 09-29-2015 09:16 PM

Thanks for the update. Will continue to pray for her, her family and the docs.

Can you tell us why she is in IC? What happened?

FiverBob 10-01-2015 07:01 PM

Scotty - - just catching up on this new one. Prayers are ascending to our creator. He is in the business of answered prayer. Just asks us to believe and have faith.


Scotty 10-02-2015 10:43 PM

My friend's daughter is out of ICU.
Recovery is promising.

Tonight I got a call that a friend of mine has liver and pancreatic Cancer. I was told the doctor's have said there is nothing they can do.

I suppose prayers for minimal suffering is the first thing next to one of God's Miracles.
He has lived a very clean life, no drugs, smoking or alcohol, regimental diet and daily exercise. One of the cleanest living guys I know. So now I ask why? Again.

sherod 10-03-2015 04:37 AM

Great news about Carrie. Continued for her and her Family.

Adding your Friend.

FiverBob 10-03-2015 06:46 AM

Originally Posted by Scotty (Post 3286292)
Tonight I got a call that a friend of mine has liver and pancreatic Cancer. I was told the doctor's have said there is nothing they can do.

I suppose prayers for minimal suffering is the first thing next to one of God's Miracles.
He has lived a very clean life, no drugs, smoking or alcohol, regimental diet and daily exercise. One of the cleanest living guys I know. So now I ask why? Again.

Your question is one that is asked many times - - do not beat yourself for that one. I think many times we do not understand the plan of God. Why do the good suffer but scoundrels seem to have no problems? Why did I have to go thru flat lining and bypass surgery? I look back at it and can see God's plan in the whole thing. We are human - - we will have problems as well as wonderful times. By faith, we keep pressing on knowing God is a lot smarter and wiser than we are and has a plan for us. He asks us to walk it and place our trust in Him and still smile. That can be tough. But, it sure is better than trying to fight the battles of life without Him. In midst of problems we can still have joy in our lives. We will pray for just what you said - - first that your friend places his future in God's hands and that his remaining time will be one of close companionship and the security of knowing God has all under control, even this.


Scotty 10-06-2015 02:50 PM

Cari is doing well.
My friend passed. I'm not even sure when as a few of us only know he died now.

Mexstan 10-06-2015 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by FiverBob (Post 3286300)
Your question is one that is asked many times - - do not beat yourself for that one. I think many times we do not understand the plan of God. Why do the good suffer but scoundrels seem to have no problems? Why did I have to go thru flat lining and bypass surgery? I look back at it and can see God's plan in the whole thing. We are human - - we will have problems as well as wonderful times. By faith, we keep pressing on knowing God is a lot smarter and wiser than we are and has a plan for us. He asks us to walk it and place our trust in Him and still smile. That can be tough. But, it sure is better than trying to fight the battles of life without Him. In midst of problems we can still have joy in our lives. We will pray for just what you said - - first that your friend places his future in God's hands and that his remaining time will be one of close companionship and the security of knowing God has all under control, even this.


Bob, excellent answer.

Scotty, thanks for the update on Cari. Will keep praying for her full and total recovery.

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