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chaikwa 09-29-2013 02:48 PM

Thinking/praying for you and them everyday B0b. Hope it has some effect!

FiverBob 10-01-2013 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by Totallyrad (Post 3205180)
Wife's doctor orders a block on the shoulder as well as a 4 day pain pump that you go home with. In my wife's opinion it's an excellent plan.

OUCH, Rick - - I had that with my shoulder surgery. The ouch is when they took it off - - it went OUCH. Shoulders are not fun during surgery recovery. Hope it clears up soon for her. I have to do one again very soon. Think I will concentrate on the one Friday for now. GGRRRR

Originally Posted by chaikwa (Post 3205186)
Thinking/praying for you and them everyday B0b. Hope it has some effect!

Thanks, Scott. Prayer always changes things. Many times it is the issue prayed for that changes. Sometimes it is the one praying that makes the biggest change.

chaikwa 10-02-2013 05:45 AM

Originally Posted by FiverBob (Post 3205572)
Thanks, Scott. Prayer always changes things.

And speaking of changing things, maybe we could say a quick prayer for Cincy. I know we take jabs and pokes at him... a LOT, but he is in some pain from shoulder surgery as well. I understand he's doing well, but in some pain. I don't think we should tell him tho, it'll give him the impression we actually LIKE him.

Totallyrad 10-03-2013 10:18 AM


Totallyrad 10-04-2013 10:55 PM

Can I get my wife back on the list again please? We both had appointments with our gp this past Tuesday. The doc called my bride about 9:30 tonight to tell her the blood work from Tuesday showed a liver function problem. She has to go back in Monday morning for additional tests. This has kinda put her in a tailspin getting the call so late on Friday. TIA

chaikwa 10-05-2013 05:37 AM

Originally Posted by Totallyrad (Post 3206023)
Can I get my wife back on the list again please?

You and a few others never came OFF my list. Never will.

Justwannabeme 10-05-2013 09:26 AM

Done Rick, for you both! and for an eviction, lol.

Also for the little ones and parents who have to suffer twice: one for the child, one for their emotions, decisions. nice to know that Home is really gonna be HOME for them. good things and thoughts sent out West through the a unlimited forever plan.

Totallyrad 10-05-2013 11:27 PM

Originally Posted by chaikwa (Post 3206034)
You and a few others never came OFF my list. Never will.

Thanks Scott!

Originally Posted by Justwannabeme (Post 3206046)
Done Rick, for you both! and for an eviction, lol.

Also for the little ones and parents who have to suffer twice: one for the child, one for their emotions, decisions. nice to know that Home is really gonna be HOME for them. good things and thoughts sent out West through the a unlimited forever plan.

Thanks Heidi! That eviction almost happened this morning. Ugly ugly ugly[verymad]

twichit 10-06-2013 09:20 PM

hey guys im going to need some extra help tonight going to have a talk with someone i love dearly this may be the make it or break it point and i don't want it to break thanks

Totallyrad 10-07-2013 12:51 AM

Originally Posted by twichit (Post 3206226)
hey guys im going to need some extra help tonight going to have a talk with someone i love dearly this may be the make it or break it point and i don't want it to break thanks

You got it buddy.

Totallyrad 10-07-2013 03:17 PM

Thanks everybody for the prayers! Wife just got the call from the doc, all is good.

FiverBob 10-07-2013 04:00 PM

Hey, lots of requests today. Shoulders, relationships, blood reports, all kinds of stuff. Got it logged and praying when I get off here. I just got back in from the doc and he is pleased with the results of surgery on Friday. Makes me feel better cuz IT HURT!!!! LOL Maybe it was all worth it - - time will tell.

Love that old song "God answers prayer in the morning, God answers prayer at noon, God answers prayer in the evening - - (and the best part), so keep your heart in tune.


Scotty 10-09-2013 01:27 PM

Always Praying for all on here.
Maddi asks how Bobby And his family are doing. That's from a 7 yr old that's never met them.
Shoulder surgery seems so common lately. Mine went incredibly well and Prayers to the rest of you with wing work Pending or completed.

Prayer does work.


FiverBob 10-10-2013 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by Scotty (Post 3206636)
Always Praying for all on here.
Maddi asks how Bobby And his family are doing. That's from a 7 yr old that's never met them.
Shoulder surgery seems so common lately. Mine went incredibly well and Prayers to the rest of you with wing work Pending or completed.

Prayer does work.


So interesting how kids can engage in something like this. The man that I just wrote about that had the five hour back surgery has a daughter that lives with him with her son. The boy is 13 yo and is the neatest kid. He has cystic fibrosis and his meds cost almost more per month than I make. He has not met Ianna and only knows from hearing granddad discuss her with us. He became so concerned for her he had mommy take him to the store, took his piggy bank with him and bought her some things he thought she should have to make her happy. They shipped them to Seattle and Ianna cried when she heard about who sent it and why and all about him. She wants to meet him sooo bad and thank him.

I do believe prayer is what is holding this whole thing together. Some weeks are horrible, their previous home has not yet sold (spelled TWO big mortgage payments each month along with the rent in the apartment they have to live in), living in small space with new twins plus the sick daughter, he is very tied up with a new project he introduced at Boeing and has about 20 engineers working under him on it - - - it gets tough, but God is big enough to pull us through it. I have seen it too many times in my life.

End of sermon - - please leave your donations in the baskets in the foyer on your way out and have a great week. Keep on believing, people - - God does answer prayer.


FiverBob 11-18-2013 08:26 AM

Been a while since an update, so here goes. Talked with my son at length on Saturday - - Friday was officially the start of 6 - 8 week saturation treatments. It started with blood work which showed everything was satisfactory to handle the first of the treatments. Then they put Ianna to sleep and put the first injection into the spine. They then hit the port with additional treatment which includes those nasty steroids. He said he was holding his breath waiting for the personality changes to start. Considering all she went thru, she was still in pretty good spirits on Saturday. This mega dosing will continue as heavy as she can stand until they are happy with test results. Hopefully sometime in January they were wean her off of the heavy stuff and start on maintenance for the next two years. We are hoping they can then move into the house they bought and have never lived in due to being in the apartment near the hospital at the end of January. It will have been a long tough six months, but the tests are showing very positive in results. They sure need to sell their old house - - double mortgage payments are really hurting them. Your continued prayers for complete healing on our little one plus selling that house will be appreciated.


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