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Gotlift01 10-18-2005 04:33 PM

Ya'll wanna her about my Oops?
So check this out!!! Friday my brother and I decide that we are bored and decide to go buy some 4wheelers!! So friday after work we go to the dealership and pick 2 out, write them a check and out the door we go.

So Saturday, we decided to take them to the mountains for a little fun and torture!! This trail that we picked was a little to extreme for the kind of 4wheelers we got but figured what the heck, we have done this crap before so why not......................I GOT A GOOD REASON WHY NOT NOW [dummy]

This trail branches off in like 50 different trails and we have yet to even make it through half of them after 4 years of wheeling up there. One trail that we picked seemed to be alright, a little challenging but nothing we couldn't handle. Next thing I know we come to this hill that is so freakin steep that you could barely walk up it, but yet I wasn't smart enought to realize this could be a bad idea [dummy] [dummy] [dummy]

So to make a long story short, I made it almost all the way to the top and all lost all the fuel to the carb and it DIED on me, slid backwards throwing me off and it flipped over backwards, barrel rolled about 15 times down some massive boulders with about 2' of air underneath each roll and came to rest sitting on its tires......................

1. Handlebars that are bent to Edit
2. Throttle trashed.... was able to limp it back to the trailer by pulling on the cable
3. Ripped one of my headlights off
4. Bent my custom bumper on the front
5. Demolished my back bar that holds my tail light on
6. Scraped the ever living crap out of all my plastic ( but none broke :D )
7. Ripped my seat
8. Took some big nasty gouges out of my rims
9. Completely demolished my handlebar grips

So we managed to get it going again and make it back to the trailer to have another INCIDENT happen.............

We start loading them on the trailer that is a little to narrow to just slide them sideways, so with one guy on each end we just pick them up and turn them sideways. My brother who was on the back stumbled while we had it in the air pinning my legs between the 4wheeler and the trailer rails causing me to fall over backwards off the trailer..............Guess what decides to try to come off after me????? Yep, the 4wheeler tried slipping off the trailer crushing my legs on the rail until my brother was able to lift it off of me.................................WHAT A FREAKIN DAY I TELL YA!!!!

Just thought I would share my retarded moment with ya!!!!! [laugh]

JyRO 10-18-2005 04:49 PM

Money well spent! ;) Care to tally up your bill for all that fun for us? :D Just to make things more ... interesting for us? :D

BTW, I hope you weren't hurt too bad. I'm glad noone got seriously injured. Money's just paper, your neck is worth WAY more!

- JyRO

t-15 firefighter 10-18-2005 04:52 PM

Sounds like my luck. Hope your okay and everything gets back to normal soon.



Gotlift01 10-18-2005 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by JyRO
Money well spent! ;) Care to tally up your bill for all that fun for us? :D Just to make things more ... interesting for us? :D

BTW, I hope you weren't hurt too bad. I'm glad noone got seriously injured. Money's just paper, your neck is worth WAY more!

- JyRO

Thanks, I faired out great, the minute that thing started to go I bailed off like a freakin cat...........I've learned from previous wrecks!!! Then falling on my back off the trailer kinda hurt, cause I landed on this big honkin rock!! [verymad] Luckily the 4wheeler fell on my riding boots which held the weight really well so that didn't hurt at all, just kinda scared the poopoo out of me!!!

As far as the damage total, I came up with about $850 bucks to put it back to new status again..............which ain't gonna happen!! It's gonna get jacked up again, so I'm just gonna fix what's important for now.

I did however forget to take some pictures of it, my dumb Edit already tore it all apart to put the parts on so I'll try to take some pics of the plastic and the bars to show you guys...................


whitebuffalo 10-18-2005 05:00 PM

thats rough man. hill climbs are one of the toughest things to get down on a 4 wheeler (IMO). i've donated my fair share of skin going a$$ over tea kettle down a hill before. just chalk it up to lesson learned and count your blessings noone was hurt, then get back out there and try it again! :D

Gotlift01 10-18-2005 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by whitebuffalo
thats rough man. hill climbs are one of the toughest things to get down on a 4 wheeler (IMO). i've donated my fair share of skin going a$$ over tea kettle down a hill before. just chalk it up to lesson learned and count your blessings noone was hurt, then get back out there and try it again! :D

Oh it's gettin put back together tonight for some more action this weekend!!! Can't let a little thing like that stop me [guitar] [laugh]

NHDiesel 10-18-2005 05:09 PM

If i weren't so honest, I would tell you to take out insurance on it, and call them in a month...when you have your accident. But I wouldn't do that.


Begle1 10-18-2005 05:16 PM

I've been known to do the occasional hill climb on the back of my old Kawasaki 233...

I got pretty good at hill climbing before I let that hobby die... I flipped that thing over many a times...

Gotlift01 10-18-2005 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by NHDiesel
If i weren't so honest, I would tell you to take out insurance on it, and call them in a month...when you have your accident. But I wouldn't do that.


[whistle] [whistle] [whistle] Already thought about that.......... :D [whistle]

But you didn't hear that from me [tapdshut]


Mopardan 10-18-2005 08:57 PM

Been there, done that! Several years ago me and some friends were riding in a gravel pit. One guy on a trail bike rode up the side of a hugh hill. I thought [dummy] hey I can do that. I was on a 230 quad runner. I hit it in 2nd gear for speed, but as I reached the top it lugged down, so I tried to shift to 1st. [duhhh]. As it came up I bailed off. The quad tumbled back down to the bottom. Minor damage EXCEPT the right front wheel came off. :eek: I rode it back to the truck leaning hard to the left or turning right. If I turned to the left the spindle would dig in the ground. Yea, that one cost me.

Tiny 10-18-2005 09:08 PM

What kind of quad did you buy? Sorry to hear about that, but those things happen. Glad you are not hurt.

Geico266 10-18-2005 09:10 PM

My future son-in-law rolled my ATV on a gravel road trying to broad slide it. It cost him $2,100 (I made him pay for it) and I got to tease him about it for a year! Yes, he is still married to my daughter. He gave me two grand daughters so all is forgiven..... almost. [verymad]

Glad you were not hurt worse. Them things can KILL you.

DR3500 10-18-2005 09:47 PM

I bought a 2003 Suzuki Eiger, we took it out the next day while on the way baxk we decided to race back to camp. I was following my buddy on a Polaris Sportsman 500, he hit a water puddle and bogged down so I took my opportunity to pass him. there was a small berm after the puddle immediately followed by another puddle. I hit the berm and went airborn, clearing the second puddle completely. unfortunately the 'wheeler come down crooked and rolled, laying ME across the trail. The Polaris recovered and my buddy was still on the throttle, but still couldn't quite see until he was about 10 ft away from me(didn't even have a chance to hit the brakes). he ran over top of me(left tire tracks across the back of my coat) and then proceeded to wreck himself.
All I got out of it was a scraped up arm from the rollover, and $180 in damage that had to be fixed. I don't know how I didn't get hurt getting run over by 950# (750#machine, 200# buddy).

bkrukow 10-18-2005 10:22 PM

Glad to hear your ok. Ive been there and done that. Not quite that bad but gone over backwards before going up a hill. I wish I had the terain in my back yard that you have. Ive been to Taylor Park down buy Buena Vist 3 times in the last year and a half. Gotta love riding Colorado. Some day I hope to convince the wife to pick up and move out there.

NHDiesel 10-18-2005 10:38 PM

I didn't mention...I bought my first brand new snowmobile ('03 Yamaha RX-1), paid cash. I had owned others...but this was the first time i spent that kind of money, and my first brand new one. Less than a month later I was riding with friends, and we came to a long field that looked perfectly flat. I was the 4th in line out of 4, and the testosterone thing happened, and I wanted to be first. I was up to around 90 mph, when i saw the guy in front of me bounce up in the air. Well what was a bounce for him at 50 was a major problem at 90...the snow hid a 2' rise in the field, and i nailed it. The front of the snowmobile came up and I thought I was going over backwards, but I hung on, thinking the whole time that I should have bought a lighter machine, because thing thing was going to be on top of me. (its amazing how much can go through your mind in a fraction of a second). Then the rear hit ground, and slammed the front down HARD. Thats when I bounced off to the side, and started rolling. Its a good thing I did, because the sled wound up going end over end a couple times, then barrel rolled another turn or two.

I was laying on the ground trying to decide if i was dead, when my friend came over to me. He had seen the whole thing (thats how I knew what the sled did), and asked me if i was alive. I moaned a couple times, then said I don't think I want to see my snowmobile. He said nope, I sure don't want to see it. i thought it was totalled. Luckily, after counting all of my fingers and toes, making sure both arms and legs moved the way they are supposed to, and checking for blood, I went over and looked at the sled. Much to my surprise, the chassis was straight, the suspension was fine, and only the hood, windshield, and gauges took damage. I was actually able to ride it another 75 miles to finish the day, and once home, checked for hidden damage. I was amazed that only the front plastic was damaged, and a couple trips to the dealer, some ebay parts, and a used hood fixed everything.

I kind of wish i had insurance...then again, I was able to fix all of the damage for 1/2 what I was quoted for 1 year of coverage.


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