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firestorm 09-09-2011 06:56 PM

To my fallen brothers and sisters 9/11 and all
I remember the alarm on that fateful day, as we responded in haste, to be carried away. With sirens screaming our advancing pace, we answer the call by taking our place.

We have answered this call many times before, you see it’s our job, we expect no less, no more. We know the danger that comes with the quest, but we answered that call, by doing our best.

We are armed with the weapons of life saving gear, the voices of so many, calling us near. Then we arrived at this god-awful sight, the towers ablaze, no time for fear, just fight.

This was an act of evil, so may souls that were lost, we must strive to save as many, at whatever the cost. Into the lobby, and down the hall, I rush up the steps, to answer the call.

My heart is pounding and the sweat pours down my face, but I keep moving at a life saving pace. Shouting out orders as I continue my quest, “GETDOWN, KEEP MOVING!” I shout, PLEASE! GOD HELP ME, I’m doing my best.

Then all at once I hear a thunderous roar from above, my life flashes before me, images of those I love. Then out of nowhere I am lead by the hand, by this unknown person, who is this man?

He carried me out of this inferno from hell, as he lifted my soul, just when everything fell. Now I am at peace just comfort no pain, who is this man who offered his hand when my tears fell like rain.

I now stand before this bright heavenly light, to raise my head and ask, who is this man who came to my plight? Then I hear a voice speak from above as my eyes begin to roam, “My Son, do not fear for he has taken you home.”

“He’s just like you, you see he answered my call, he was just doing his job, giving his all.” “His boots and his helmet were supplied from above, and his power and strength came from those that you love.”

“You see, even up here when the alarm bell rings, they answer you call these firefighters with wings.” “He carried you away from that horrible place, when you cried out to ME, for my love and my grace.”

“Your mission is over my Son, you answered your last call, you saved so many lives, walk tall and be proud.” “My Son, take my hand and walk into the light, and dwell with me forever in GOD’S heavenly might.”

Dedicated to the brave firefighters who gave their life September 11, 2001, God Bless them ALL!

Author: Robert L. Houle

rockcrawler304 09-09-2011 11:09 PM

Never Forget!!

capt.Ron 09-11-2011 12:03 PM

Mass was really tough this morning!!
We finished the mass with "God Bless America"
There was not a dry eye in the place!!!
God bless us all and may we never forget!!

SIXSLUG 09-11-2011 04:41 PM

To all those who Serve, Served and step up to defend what's Right and GOOD about this Great Nation I am wholly Grateful.

To all who Responded to New York and the nation during the attacks, Thank You and God Bless you.

To all who lost someone that fateful day, God Bless.

JRAPTOR04 09-11-2011 10:48 PM

God Bless America.


Bark 09-11-2011 11:10 PM

Weird day today. Remembering the fallen. Hating those who did it.
For years I have been trying to turn my hatred into something constructive but in the meanwhile, I will remember the ones we lost, pray for the ones who are fighting my battles for me
and hope the misguided evil fools who want to kill America find their martyrdom without hurting any more of our brave Sons and Daughters.

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