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dodgeguy71 01-15-2007 05:15 PM

Cat Attack!!!!
After I helped do the tranny swap with Mark saturday.....or sunday? I went back sunday morning to clean up my friends shop, pick up my tools and stuff. Well, my kids were there running around the farm as they usually do. We got all loaded up and one of the cats came into the shop. We tried getting her to come out that way she would leave little kitty grenades on the floor. She did not want to come out.

So I wandered around to where she was at and called her and she came over to me. I scratched her ears, back, for a minute and then gently picked her up to my shoulder to carry her to the door. Well about 5 steps into it she went crazy! Started to claw with all 4 legs and was stuck to me. So I stuck my right hand up to try and push her away.....well, hand went to close to her face and she bit my finger. I think one of her teeth went under my pointer fingernail. I then thought I needed to get her off my finger that she thought was so tasty. So up comes my left hand and she got ahold of my left pointer finger and sunk all 4 teeth in around my middle knuckle. I think she hit the bone, cause it began to hurt....A LOT!! By this time I was finished and was willing to let her find her own way out, you win cat, but she would not let go of my finger and kept digging deeper. I knew I had to convince her that she wanted to let go. So, I put my hand around her neck and applied some pressure. After a few seconds I think she realized that letting go of my finger would be a good idea, when she did I let go and she ran off in a shot.

I have to say that she faired way better than I did. That's one for the cat and zero for me. Some people I have told said, "that would be a dead cat". If it was my cat around my house, would have seen a shallow grave, but in all in was a misunderstanding between the two of us. Now both my fingers have swelled up, the fingernail bite is pretty sensitive. You can see the mark under the fingernail and my other finger swelled up to!! I can hardly bend it cause the skin is so tight. So I went to the doc today, got a tetnus shot, antibiotics and they are gonna notify the health department. I hope nothing comes of that, she just did not like to be held, not her fault. Heck, the darn cat was purring so loud it echoed in the shop!! Crazy cat!! I talked to my boss today and told him after my doc appointment and picking up the meds that I could make it to work by 2pm. He laughed and asked what happened. So I explained it to him and he laughed!! I have to say this, cats sure can defend themselves pretty well!!! [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

Oh, I guess PETA and some big star will come after me now. I don't think I'll post on here how we make billy goats non-functional billy goats if you know what I mean!!

jazz_kt 01-15-2007 05:20 PM

DEAD CAT That's all I have to say

Shovelhead 01-15-2007 05:26 PM

"Yeah, neighbor,........Ya still got that pitbull?.......can I borrow it for a coupla hours?"

Problem solved.......

CODODGE2500MAN 01-15-2007 05:43 PM

My philosophy on cats
Why did man make shotguns?
Because God made cats.

I just can't understand the point of a cat as a pet. They are great at rodent patrol, but a pet? They are all skittish and very dramatic. Above is a joke, only a joke and if you don't get it, I apologize in advance. I don't condone animal cruelty or torture!
(incase you can't tell I'm just not a cat person)

FirstDodge 01-15-2007 06:48 PM

Dude . . . . you don't have to worry about PETA . . . you are WAY to good to that cat. I love my dog, but if he ever intentionaly bit me, it would be lights out! [nonono].

If we lived closer, you could send the cat over to have a "play day" with my boxer [whistle] . . . . he HATES cats.

loch 01-15-2007 06:52 PM

I have one as a pet, they are great house pets. Not messy , never bark. But to be fair they can have a distinct additude. If the need ever arrives again just grab a handfull of skin on nape of the neck, you can tote em like a sixpack.

rico334 01-15-2007 08:39 PM

Yep, the buddy would still be outside calling kitty-kitty-kitty and wondering why that darned cat would not show up.......

Mopar440_6 01-15-2007 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by FirstDodge (Post 1301411)
Dude . . . . you don't have to worry about PETA . . . you are WAY to good to that cat. I love my dog, but if he ever intentionaly bit me, it would be lights out! [nonono].

If we lived closer, you could send the cat over to have a "play day" with my boxer [whistle] . . . . he HATES cats.

I second that! My dog is a big baby but the day she shows any aggression towards a human (that isnt trying to break into my house) that'll be the end. I have never been injured to the point of having to seek medical attention by a dog, however I've seen the doctor 2-3 times because of cats. (Grew up on a farm and they were everywhere.)

However, I cant understand why your boxer HATES cats. My pitbull LOVES them! She thinks every one of them tastes good! [coffee]

AkTallPaul 01-16-2007 12:42 AM

I used to have a Siamese that was totally awesome. Rode with me when I drove truck. She was one heck of a guard cat, and for dogs she hatted them. There was more than one dog she sent high tailing it with a bloody snout. I have a couple funny cat stories that I will post in the humor thread now that you reminded me of them.

Forrest Nearing 01-16-2007 05:43 AM

I woulda just held onto that cat's neck and started swinging! remember that scene in Crocodile Dundee when he's swinging that noise maker around? replace noise maker with cat

Begle1 01-16-2007 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by AkTallPaul (Post 1302111)
I used to have a Siamese that was totally awesome. Rode with me when I drove truck. She was one heck of a guard cat, and for dogs she hatted them. There was more than one dog she sent high tailing it with a bloody snout. I have a couple funny cat stories that I will post in the humor thread now that you reminded me of them.

What exactly would one expect a "gaurd cat" to do?

mule3010 01-16-2007 12:25 PM

I have cats in the barns. I don't know where they came from and don't really want to know. They are wild and I mean wild they probably have not seen a bowl of kitty food in 10 generations. If you have never messed with/cornered a ferrel cat............ well it's not like a ****** off house cat. It is a whole different expierience. I just leave them alone and they give me a pretty wide berth too.

Howy 01-16-2007 02:23 PM

Only good use Ive seen for a cat...killing mice and other rodents if you live out in the country.

Otherwise, chop em up and make chinese food with em.

My .02 [guitar]

AkTallPaul 01-16-2007 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by Begle1 (Post 1302565)
What exactly would one expect a "gaurd cat" to do?

She guarded my truck...She was a pretty intense cat, anytime anyone would come up to the truck she would jump on the back of my seat and do that throataral growl. If the weather was nice when I was parked I had a blanket I would put out on the hood and she would lay out in the sun, but if anyone got close she would follow them around on the hood always staying above them, made people fairly nervous when she sat there hissing with a paw poised with claws out if they stepped up on my step and she would be face level on the air cleaner. She loved out on the hood,big extended hood Pete, anyway anytime I stopped and it was nice out she was out on her yard. She never ran off, so I would pump my fuel and go in an pay. Then when I went to park she would stay on the hood as I drove around to find a parking spot, she loved that so much it got so that anytime I was in stop an go rush hour traffic she would paw at her window till I let her out, she would jump to the aircleaner then on to the hood, and set up front like a hood ornament, loved the reaction of people especially when she moved, but as traffic would start moving she would come back in at about 30 mph.

thefarm277 01-16-2007 03:15 PM

I personally like cats.........mostly barbqued.....

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