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Dave88LX 10-28-2005 12:27 AM

BIG NOT to undo your spindle nuts!
OK let's spell out the picture for those who can't see what is going on. The spindle nut needs to rotate COUNTER clockwise. There are 2 nuts on 2 lugs, with the prybar lodged between them. Nuts are there so as not to mess up the threads on the studs. When the nut turns counter clockwise, the prybar will jam the rotor from spinning, and HOPEFULLY let the spindle nut in the middle turn free to take it off. The proper way to loosen it is to have the breaker bar opposite where I am, and pulling UP on it. Well, that didn't work, and I was killing myself trying to do it.

Then I got the bright idea. Hey, maybe if I put 185 lbs on the end of a 2 foot long breaker bar, it will pop free! Yeah, well, something got popped alright. [whistle] Notice the breaker bar lodged between the studs, and how it is bending. That is acting like a spring, just BEGGING to flip the breaker bar out from under my foot. Well, "dew"ey night, slippery boot, foot slides off the end of the handle with me standing DIRECTLY over it. Yellow handle flies straight up into the man-pouch, instantly knocking me to the grown laying in the fetal position. [duhhh] I don't know the exact math...but, 185 lbs pressing DOWN, two feet out from the pivot point, with 1/2" thick spring metal pushing back at you...the spring of the breaker bar AND extension handle pushing back at you as well... = a lot of force. When I was finally able to turn back over and look at the truck, the silver metal part of the breaker bar was then VERTICAL, yeah, one hell of a shot to the sure followed through! [eyecrazy]

So, yeah, lesson learned. I've tried the blue-tipped wrench and lots of WD-40 but that's not working so far. The other side is already apart, so I can't just press the brakes to loosen it. I could possibly try to just put the tire back on this side tomorrow and let it go back to the ground to hold it, but, I would need a 3/4" drive few inch long extension.

I'm about recovered.


BigBlue 10-28-2005 12:52 AM

THAT'S GREAT!!!!! [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]

IA_James 10-28-2005 02:00 AM

I think somebody needs an impact wrench. [whistle] [laugh]

Chrisreyn 10-28-2005 02:34 AM

Originally Posted by IA_James
I think somebody needs an impact wrench. [whistle] [laugh]

From the sounds of it, he has an "impact " wrench..... [laugh]
or at least has been "impacted" by one.....

Begle1 10-28-2005 03:03 AM

I think that looks like a great way to "undo" some nuts...

It takes a man to share that experience...

Tengu 10-28-2005 05:57 AM

Wow, that sound like about as much fun a fiberglass underware!

I feel your pain man! Last year I was in a local martial arts tournament and half way through the final round I took a full force spinning side kick to the nads. I was lying on the ground trying desperatly not to puke in front of 500 or so people when the ref comes up to me and says "Are you going to be able to continue?" I just looked up and croaked "Dude! this ain't the Championship of the FREAKIN WORLD!! he can have the trophy".......then I puked...........

BarryG 10-28-2005 08:10 AM

Well at least your repair has been known to be hard at times to get the nut off. I have 2 quick stories that definitely put me in the DA category

Was putting on my brand new just out on the market front diff cover from MAGHYTEC. Got her all buttoned up, jumped up off the floor and took a big jumping step over to the bench where my lube was to fill it up and my foot caught the jack handle from my floor jack (truck was on a jack stand just didnt move the jack as it wasnt in my way). Did a major face plant on the garage floor and when I put my hand down in front of to break my fall I broke the darn thing. I went in the house and told the wife what happened. She just laughed at me and called me a DA. A few hours later the pain was too much went to the local urgent care center and the ol xray and found out I broke my hand.

Just a few months ago I was replacing all of my hoses. Was down to the last two. The heater hoses. Was standing on a milk crate (I know the safety god said I am going to get you for this this time). I was stretched out just as far as I could be on my tip toes. One hand holding up the insulation so I could get a wrench on the clamp and the other hand holding the wrench and boom. The milk crate slid out from under me and I crashed down on the top edge of the fender and cracked a darn rib. The milk crate has slipped out many a time but have always been able to catch myself. Just this time I was so stretched out I couldnt catch myself. That one hurt for a couple months.

4x4dually 10-28-2005 08:19 AM

Dave, thanks for the laugh! "Man Pouch"...that cracks me up. I can picture that handle flying up and the pain that must have had. I just usually hurt my toes when working on my truck....from kicking the dang thing while cussing DC for designing stuff they way they do. I hope you have better luck! :p

yfz450guy 10-28-2005 08:22 AM

lol milk crate! lol!
i have almost done that too but...................... i fold a blanket as small as possible and lay it on the whatever and use it as a cushion instead of my rib cage.
remember that tip for next time! lol [director] [laugh]

Mopar1973man 10-28-2005 08:24 AM

May next time you'll put the tire back on and put the truck back on the ground with the E-Brake set and try it again...[whistle]

I got to admit that hurt though! [eyecrazy]

Dave88LX 10-28-2005 08:25 AM

Yeah it's great when it's NOT you [laugh]

I hear ya on the "milk crate" thing...except my preferred tool is an upside down 5 gallon bucket. You want pain, try lifting up an iron head off a 351M while trying to stand on a freaking bucket, with your arms outstretched as far as they can go! Time to build a platform when I put these heads back on!

May next time you'll put the tire back on and put the truck back on the ground with the E-Brake set and try it again...

I got to admit that hurt though!
I got that bright idea last night too, unfortunately I didn't get that bright idea until AFTER my bright idea of standing on the jack handle extension. [eyecrazy]

Shovelhead 10-28-2005 08:41 AM

At least get the video camera out next time so you can win some money on America's Funniest Home Videos. [dummy]

4x4dually 10-28-2005 08:52 AM

That is a big sacrifice to only get $5000 for each of them! [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] Ten Grand would go a long way, but so will the ability to have children!

4x4dually 10-28-2005 09:04 AM

I forwarded the original post to a buddy with a Dodge so he too could enjoy some laughter at Dave's expense. This was his reply.

For those of you who own Dodge 4x4's listen up!

I admit that I have done the EXACT same thing to get the hub nut off.
(minus the shot to the jewels) Anytime some unsuspecting Dodge 4x4 owner needs to replace their front U-joints, they need to set aside some $$ because it can get expensive. Long story short, the impact wrench from the factory is WAY OUT OF CAL and the spindle nut gets zipped on so tight that it strips all of the threads on the spindle. I ended up having to take my truck to Goodyear Tire and have them bring out their 1" impact wrench. Even with this much torque, the nut turns very slowly. Apparently this is such a common problem that the local Stillwater Dodge dealer keeps 4x4 front spindles in stock! (About $100
item) I don't know if it was related, but during dissasembly the front bearing fell apart in my hands. (The passenger side didn't do it, so I know my removal procedure was O.K.) An aftermarket bearing from Napa costs ~ $180.

Hoss 10-28-2005 09:36 AM

Originally Posted by Dave88LX
When I was finally able to turn back over and look at the truck, the silver metal part of the breaker bar was then VERTICAL, yeah, one hell of a shot to the sure followed through!

You know, I've always heard that follow through is important. [laugh]

So, I have to ask. Was this picture taken just seconds prior to your "mishap" or were you actually dumb enough to go out there and do it AGAIN just for the sake of telling this story? :D


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