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Box5 12-22-2007 09:26 PM

Anyone elses dogs fight?
I love pitbulls, but they can be a real PITA somtimes. We have a female about 2 years old, and she first fought with our 120lbs german shepard a few times and lost both fights so she didnt do that again, and now she fights with our Golden Retriever female. I love the pitbull alot, and would never get rid of her, but this is getting pretty bad because I can't have the golden retriever in danger when the pitbull looses consiouness and attacks. It only happens in certain situations when the pitbull gets jelouse of attention to the golden, but does anyone else have a similar situation and maybe have any dog kennel type things to seperate them when were away ( we usually leave all them in the garage together). Just had to vent alittle cus I just got done full on tackling the pitbull off the golden retriever for like the 4th time now.

AkTallPaul 12-22-2007 09:38 PM

Not to sound cold....but some dogs like people aren't worth the trouble they cause...Sorry if that sounds callous, but a dog fight with a team out on a trail can be a matter of life or death. You must be the Alpha, no questions. I know your situation is different, but what if someone innocent pets your other dog an your pit turns on them, not a pretty picture.

mikmaze 12-22-2007 09:40 PM

not for nothing, what is it going to take before the dog goes after a child instead of the golden? if you have to tackle a dog to get it under control, it is out of control, and the horrific is just one incident away. If it were my dog, around any people, it would take one last walk, sad as it sounds, the alternatives are just too scary to sit back and let happen to my, or anyone else's kids.

gunny 12-22-2007 09:42 PM

Shock collar might work. Buddy had a Plott hound that lived for a fight, once he was on his way to a fight, wasn't a thing in the world that would even slow him down except a shock collar. Had to keep it turned on high and it would knock him down when you hit the button but it worked. He was real hard headed and would need a reminder about once every couple of weeks. We called it his hearing aid, he listened real well with it on.

You got a couple of things going on there. Pits are great dogs but its in them to fight, more so in some than others. You most definitely want to keep them apart when you are not around to keep things under control. Chain link comes to mind but then a buddy's pit went over a 8' chain link to go after a chow passing by.

A Pit also doesn't usually know when to quit when it comes to a fight, they'll go until whatever they got on is dead or you pull them off.

Got a dog crate? Lock one or the other in it. Invisible fence? You have to spend some time training them, else they learn that they can just run through it.

CowboyDave 12-22-2007 09:54 PM

I would suggest finding the golden a home without a pit for a roommate. Like said above, if I had a dog that COULD turn on another dog or child it would get a last meal, head scratch and walk followed by a trip to the "old guy out on the nice farm where there are bunnys to play with". :D

crobtex 12-22-2007 10:04 PM

If you own a pit bull, it should only be you and the dog. No wife, no kids and no other pets. Otherwise, you're asking for trouble.

Bark 12-22-2007 10:05 PM

Box5 I wont go into all of the "bad?" press regarding pit bulls since I know they can be ok pets for some. But in this day and age, I would not own one. Not just because of a very bad experience with a three year old female (its owner said it had never attacked anybody before). Its the liability. If my Maltese flips out it cant even draw blood but a Pitt can do some real damage. If the dog ever does decide to flip out, you could lose everything in a law suit. Please dont take this as a lecture or anything but if the dog doesnt start mellowing out soon you may want to get rid of it.

archer39 12-22-2007 10:06 PM

the shock collar would be worth a try. My boxer is extremely thick headed and hyper. I know your case is different with the fighting aspect. this is the only way he will listen and be obedient.

Mopar440_6 12-22-2007 11:05 PM

I know where you're at man. I've got a 4 y.o. female pit. Sweetest dog I've ever met but shes stubborn as all get out. She does great with other animals but she is my only pet. I would love to have another dog but my take is that I won't get two dogs unless they are both puppies. That way they grow up together, are trained together and they are comfortable with each other. My cousin currently has three pits living in perfect harmony under one roof right now but they have all grown up together and they are all crate trained.

Anyway, my two cents, crate train all three dogs. Crate training my pit was the best thing I ever did. She goes in the crate when I leave the house or am too busy to pay full attention to her and that way I know she's safe and not getting into trouble. If that doesn't work it's going to come down to a choice between the pit or the golden. At that point you'll have to put one of them up for adoption. It's not safe for the dogs or your family and it's not fair to the animals either....

Box5 12-22-2007 11:44 PM

yea it all started to happen when we got a little puppy a few months ago. I think the two females about the same age, pitbull and golden are in the competing stage where one is jelouse now and its the Pit. She's not the usual timid pitbull which is great for around people cus she's just a big baby who will knock someone down with kisses before she attacks someone, and she doesnt care about the cat either, its just the golden and it's gotta be the same age, female thing now that we got the puppy she wants the attention. I'd definently get another pit, but it would be the only dog in the house like was said.

German shepard all the way though, if need be he can take care of business but it's the best temperment dog i've ever had or been around. I just didn't want to see this pit get put to sleep so we took her from a friend.

Allways_Lost 12-23-2007 12:15 AM

I have a male and female pit both living together just fine. I have trained them myself, My 2 year old daughter plays with both of them, never a problem.

If it were my dog I would keep them apart either in crates or outside and inside. Feed them at different times. And slowly bring them back together over time.

If that dont work then I would get rid of the golden, just because she could still have a good home, but the pit is probly going to be put down, or adopted by the wrong person.

You really cant blame the dog for lack of training. I am not comeing at you with this. Its just uneducated people that think that pitbulls are killers and that it is in there blood to fight (as stated above) that give responsible owners and breeders a bad rap. They are game dogs like cocker spanials, kers, ect. Bred to hunt.

Here is alittle information for the interested:

Bark 12-23-2007 02:44 AM

I agree with you, I dont think that the pit by itself is anymore vicious than other breeds. Its just their physical attributes. They are so tough. If my Maltese was to ever snap at some kids face, no real harm done. If a Pitt does the exact same thing it can be a real disaster.

ilmbg 12-23-2007 03:51 AM

I have had Rotts all my life, as my mom was from Germany, and raised with them also. I had a similiar situation, although it was with 2 females. I would agree with the person who mentioned finding a home for the Golden. If you keep on the current track, you will probably come home to a dead Golden someday. The Pitt might be the nicest dog, but she was bred for a couple hundred years by man to fight. Her size/strength/bite pressure is not even near fair play for the Golden. A few years ago I had a Rotti and a Great Dane at the same time. The Rotts history of being bred for protection/guarding, and the Dane's being bred to hunt was SOO obvious! The Rott loved all things that werre furry- cats, dogs, horses-wouldn't even think about hurting a squirrel. But touch me, my daughter, our house or car..... One the other hand, the Dane was a hunter liked our cats, and pets, loved all people...but lived to hunt- rabbits, squirrels, coyotes- even got a friends llama! The dogs are just the way they have been bred over many years by man. Save the Golden from a nasty ending. Please.

Mountaineer 12-23-2007 05:07 AM

Originally Posted by crobtex (Post 1854163)
If you own a pit bull, it should only be you and the dog. No wife, no kids and no other pets. Otherwise, you're asking for trouble.

I can tell you have never had any pit-bulls before and watch to much t.v
that shows the less than 1% of the great breed that unfortunately were raised by ignorant owners. You probably think guns are bad too.
We have a 5 yr old male and two year old boy that are best friends.

crobtex 12-23-2007 06:33 AM

Wanna see my gun collection sometime? :)

It's naive, in denial, Pitt bull owners that help give the breed a bad reputation. How small of a percentage of a child being maimed or killed is acceptable? Here locally, within the past couple of months, a family pet, Pitt bull, raised with them since a pup, attacked and killed an eight yo boy. The kids were on the floor rough housing and the dog went out of control.

I have an Akita/Lab mix that weighs in at well over 100 #'s and is probably as bad-a as any dog out there. He has sent the neighbors Pitt home several times bloody and limping, but to me, he's just a big teddy bear. Is he vicious...NO. Do I trust him around kids and strangers...NO. I know the damage he can do. As far as I know, the only person he has ever nipped, was a nephew that was pestering one of the grandkids. He didn't attack, just nipped him once and backed off as soon as the nephew did. I don't give him the opportunity to cause harm. He stays at my place in the country where there are very few people around unless I'm there.

I love animals and have more than my share. I just don't trust Pitt's and don't want me or any of my family around one.

Originally Posted by Mountaineer (Post 1854446)
I can tell you have never had any pit-bulls before and watch to much t.v
that shows the less than 1% of the great breed that unfortunately were raised by ignorant owners. You probably think guns are bad too.
We have a 5 yr old male and two year old boy that are best friends.

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