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tool 09-09-2013 07:31 PM

New clutch install. Starter won't engage
So I just replaced my clutch after the factory DMF went bad.

Installed south bend con ofe

Went to try it and starter won't engage just screeches.

What the heck?

Anybody have any ideas?

Lary Ellis (Top) 09-09-2013 07:37 PM

Is this the truck that I saw elsewhere had the bell housing broke and welded back up along with the adapter?

If so I would not be surprised if the starter needs to be shimmed a little to mate up properly.

rich 09-09-2013 07:37 PM

you did have the correct flywheel that has the spacer on it?

tool 09-09-2013 07:45 PM

Flywheel came with all of the other parts from Southbend. Spacing looks ok.

This is the truck that had the cracked bellhousing. There were small vibration cracks in the adapter but I can't see that throwing the starter far enough out of line to not engage.

I REAlly hope it's not a wrong flywheel and I'm doing this job over again.

patdaly 09-09-2013 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by tool (Post 3202425)
So I just replaced my clutch after the factory DMF went bad.

Installed south bend con ofe

Went to try it and starter won't engage just screeches.

What the heck?

Anybody have any ideas?

Call Peter tomorrow and see if you need a spacer behind the starter. I can't remember just exactly which one needed it, but it was something to do with a different flywheel style. Almost sounds like it is trying to engage too far?

tool 09-09-2013 08:13 PM

Well. I rolled the motor over a couple revolutions with a bar and put battery charger on it. Truck is turning over now but won't fire??

This isn't my night I guess.

Engine light blinks like crazy and there is a ticking sound that coincides with the blink of the light. I must pulled a wire off or something inadvertently.

Did key on off trick. No codes came up.

tool 09-10-2013 03:46 PM

No start turned out to be a loose wire to the lift pump. No idea with this starter issue.

patdaly 09-10-2013 04:46 PM

Ok, now that it is turning over, does it sound like the mesh is correct? It could be that it just hit the right spot where the gear on the starter hit perfectly in the center of the flywheel gear, though usually that only happens once, then the next time it goes in. I do know that as the starter gets weaker, you can get where it doesn't engage all the way and it makes a horrible grinding, I had to replace Greenies starter because of that, I thought I had lost a tooth or 2 on the flywheel, but a new starter corrected the problem......... Do you have the original starter?

tool 09-11-2013 12:16 AM

Yep it's the original starter.

Fiddled around barring it over and then trying it.

Has started 10 times in a row or so. Not sure what that's about but seems to be working.

Thanks to all who replied.

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