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OTR PU 07-06-2005 11:21 PM

All Commercial Driver's that buy fuel are affected
The Big boys are wanting to keep it for themselves. The plain fact is the person that pays for the fuel should get any fuel surcharge that the customer is being charged. If you don't agree, offer a good reason why the company or broker should be entitled to any of the fuel surcharge. The vast majority of all of anyting being delivered is delivered by small business independant truckers with the owner paying for expenses. We need everybodies help with this, big business has more money, we have more votes if everybody will vote. You will make the difference. This bill also has clauses that allow new tolls on old roads, this will affect everybody that drives anything. The Denver/Boulder turnpike toll was finally taken off. . .well after it should have been removed. . .when the citizens joined together and demanded it. In case you don't know it, larger truck companies negotiate fuel costs years in advance. Some are paying $1.20 for diesel today. The majority, the small contractor is paying retail less taxes at the pump and the taxes through IFTA. The worst thing that has happened to this country is Deregulation of the trucking industry, deregulated everything but driver's. The second worst thing to happen was NAFTA & GATT. Now they want to pass CAFTA. It won't help Americans, only Big business. Nearly everything is being made overseas, to help Americans they should tax it when it comes in, then you wouldn't be paying the tax you do. Better than half this eligible population has never voted, they don't think it will make any difference. It's the only thing that can make any difference. Please get involved and make a difference. It won't cost the government a dime, it will only take a few minutes of your time. You're already paying the surcharge, just the wrong person is keeping it.

Here's an easy way, pass this on to everybody you know and all family eligible to vote. If they hear it enough from their constituants they will do the right thing, like their job depends on it.

Thank You,
Steve Johnson

Haulin_in_Dixie 07-07-2005 02:45 AM

You are beating a dead horse. I really belive that the general public would rather see someone else get it than those "dirty old truckers" The public cares not where they sleep or eat or what they make as long as they are somewhere else than where the public is. Why do you think that the truckers are so harrassed on the highways, because the public cares not how difficult or impossible the job is. I am speaking of the general public, not individuals that use a realistic assessment of the situation. The turn signal is the best example of public acceptance of trucks, turn it on and the hole closes up before you can change lanes. Diesel fuel is subsidising the family vacation, fuel here is over high test prices. Why, because they can get away with it. No one cares.

bkrukow 07-07-2005 09:30 PM

My wife does all the billing at a decent size trucking company.( around 130-140 trucks including owner operators.) She said that all the owner operators get all of the fuel sercharge. The current surcharge for fuel is 20 cents a mile. As far as buying fuel years in advance and only paying 1.20 a gallon I dont see how that is even posible. I asked her abought it and she just got a funny look on her face and said she had never heard of such a thing. They have to stop at truck stops and gas stations just like the rest of us and pay pump price. She said the only way she knows that may be even remotly posible is just what they have on the yard and thats not a lot. Every truck has to fill up first as they enter the yard before they park the trucks, but they rarely ever get back to the yard except for maintenence and the few drivers that live close buy and park them there while they are home.

bkrukow 07-08-2005 05:49 PM

She asked today and they can only contract fuel 3 months in advance and only 2 loads a month. That only lasts them a couple weeks at best. The other 2 or 3 loads a month that go to the pumps on the yard are at current pump prices. This is only for the fuel at the pumps on the yard. Everything on the road is the same price you and I pay.

P.J 07-08-2005 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Haulin_in_Dixie
No one cares.
I care.
There are tens of thousands of us that use our diesels as homeowners or to make a living. What CAN we do about it even if we wanted?
What about our great federal government helping out with a temporary tax break (per gallon). Bush should be able to pull that off, right? Should be as easy as a pen stroke.

12vordie 07-08-2005 08:49 PM

Bush pull that off, yeah right. The higher the fuel prices the better he likes it, because of all the oil wells that he owns. Bush is for the higher prices.:mad: I am just glad I drive a company truck (2004 dodge 2500 diesel) and my truck stays at the house, so I don't have to pay those BUSH endorced prices.

Fronty Owner 07-08-2005 08:55 PM

One of the convience stores here converted to underground tanks (from above ground), They kept the old tanks out back and the city "buys" gas from them for cost. This pushes the stores volume up and helps them get better volume breaks, making the store more money, and saving the city a few cents per gallon.

P.J 07-08-2005 09:02 PM

A Texan that doesn't support King George? [tapdshut]

12vordie 07-08-2005 09:16 PM

NOT AT ALL!! Not him or any other gov. office (just a bunch of communist) Th is not a single person in a gov. position that cares about the people, it's all about how fat can they get their pockets.

P.J 07-08-2005 09:24 PM

Our current gridlock situation is BOTH parties fault. Just imagine what it really takes to even RUN for office?
1) Atleast a high 6 figure salary (and PLENTY of vacation time for campaigning)
2) Existing family clout or local influence.


killfast1 07-09-2005 02:26 AM

And you have to be in a postion to recieve bribes, errrr campaign funds.

Rob_OBX 07-13-2005 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Haulin_in_Dixie
"dirty old truckers" The public cares not where they sleep or eat or what they make as long as they are somewhere else than where the public is. Why do you think that the truckers are so harrassed on the highways, because the public cares not how difficult or impossible the job is. I am speaking of the general public, not individuals that use a realistic assessment of the situation. The turn signal is the best example of public acceptance of trucks, turn it on and the hole closes up before you can change lanes. Diesel fuel is subsidising the family vacation, fuel here is over high test prices. Why, because they can get away with it. No one cares.

I have to say I see a much higher percentage of buttholes and ignorant drivers behind the wheel of semis than 4 wheelers. You don't think it's ignorant to pull over into the passing lane at the bottom of a hill and run side by side the entire way to the top dropping to, say 35 or 40mph on an interstate. You don't think it's ignorant to not move over for merging traffic? Over the last 10 years it has just gotten worse and worse. Maybe it's a little different elsewhere, but from W. PA to NC...
And no, I don't really care where they eat or sleep, that is their own problems to find their own solutions to. Everyone has their own problems to figure out for themselves. Does anyone care what I make?
None of this is meant in an ugly way.

12vordie 07-13-2005 06:07 PM

Rob_OBX, please bight your tongue,after awhile of getting no repect from 4wheelers you learn to not respect them. I have been thier, I know. They cut you off in traffic when you turn your signal on they pull out in front of you at the last possible moment, 4wheelers that is, if it where not for trucks you would not have half the stuff that you buy at the local store, trucks make up for over 75% of transported goods in america. What really chaps my you know what is when you get behind one of those RV pullers that want to drive 55 in a 70 and don't think they should get over and let you by. It's like it's thier moment in the light "I own this highway right now". If they can not run the speed limit they need to get that piece of junk off the road. So lets bash the people that want to explore america at 55mph, not the ones who want to supply america.:D

Rob_OBX 07-13-2005 06:39 PM

What came first, the chicken or the egg??? I never said that the trucks started the problem or were the only source. there is not one source for the stupidity on the road.
like I said, I don't mean it ugly... But I have been cut off way too many times and then crawled up a mountain while 2 trucks ride side by side. That is so irritating and inconsiderate. If they are going the same speed why can't one just stay behind the other??
But I will be a little of a smart azz here... How do you think the people that make all the products that trucks are shipping get to work? without them we'd have 0% of the products.
I don't feel like I bashed anyone.
There are good, considerate drivers out there and they are in every type of vehicle built. But the respect on the road should be mutual.

12vordie 07-13-2005 07:18 PM

I have to agree.

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