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stock600 11-11-2007 11:12 PM

Pressure boxes with dowloaders question
Question guys, I was getting fuel earlier today next to a 06 dodge we got to talking about our trucks, turns out he has a smarty tuner and a edge ez stack. He programed his truck there then from #7 down to #3 trying for better milage, i noticed he opened the hood and disconnected all the ez stuff did the download , reattached the ez. I asked why and he said you had to, that if you didnt the smarty would pull back in info from the ez or something and poss. mess up the tuner. He didnt remember if it was smarty or edge that told him it was manditory but he says he changes that way couple times a week looking for the best tune for milage and power. Is he going the long way around the barn, or is this how everyone does it? I tried to pick a race, glad he turned me down, im down on tow 85hp till i get the clutch in wed. or thurs. and him being on level #3 with a stock auto dont know where it been, what is smarty on 3? Sorry for the long post but by the end of the week ill be back with the ez on the truck and wanted to know what everyone else does on this matter, i know ive loaded diff. tunes before with ez on the truck and its never Seemed to hurt anything. THANKS Ryan[dummy]

MikeyB 11-12-2007 07:25 AM

Don't need too. The only data the SMARTY retrieves from the ECM is the VIN#. The program has no idea what is plugged into the sensors.


stock600 11-12-2007 01:31 PM

At least 1 person answered my post, thanks MikeyB. Thats what i was wanting to hear, but you dont know if you dont ask. Since that post i called edge and ask a tech rep. he said its a good idea to but prob. not going to hurt nothing if you dont. Just sounded like a safe answer to me! Wanted to hear from guys that dont talk about it, but do it reg. with no problems. Any pressure box with any tuner.

CReed 11-12-2007 02:16 PM

No way JOSE that guy was misinformed LOL. You dont even have to go back to stock b4 you change software versions so why would you have to do that. People amaze me.

stock600 11-12-2007 02:42 PM

So your saying youve returned you tuner for an update or repair, without returning it to stock first. I know you run smarty dont you have a press. box as well, and you def. dont unhook the P.Box before making any ecm changes with the tuner- correct?

CReed 11-12-2007 02:48 PM

Nope never unpluged any kind of box, too change the catcher #s nor do set the truck back to stock b4 reupdating the smarty with new software such as from stock smarty software to beta software. Stock smarty software on catcher #9 and we took smarty without setting back to stock downloaded 4.4 software from bob into the smarty and loaded its catcher sw over the old stuff.

CReed 11-12-2007 02:51 PM

Only thing you need to make sure isnt going on is doors opening and closing radio on (should be off) smarty kills it neways, overhead light off, air or fan off, phone charger,etc. Only thing pulling volts should be the programer. This is a general rule of thumb for all programers not just the smarty. Bullydog is very touchy to stuff like that.

tcr 11-12-2007 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by CReed (Post 1786800)
Only thing you need to make sure isnt going on is doors opening and closing radio on (should be off) smarty kills it neways, overhead light off, air or fan off, phone charger,etc. Only thing pulling volts should be the programer. This is a general rule of thumb for all programers not just the smarty. Bullydog is very touchy to stuff like that.

WOW, I must have the super smarty or just my 03 isn't as fancy as the new ones! I do all that and more while I'm programming. I have NO patience! I've also downloaded w/ either a 6gun, Quadzilla, or an SP stg 2 hooked up and on w/ no issues ever.

stock600 11-12-2007 03:15 PM

Thanks so much for the reply, I want even think about it anymore. And yes my tuner instuctions also talk strongly about all you mentained with the doors, radio and such. The only reason i thought it could make sense is when you have any tune loaded i understand the tuner is holding [storing] some part of the factory tune, that can be easliy reinstalled at any time. And if theres another box under the hood could it pull in curupted or wrong data, and jack up your stock tune. I also wandered if that is why you hear some people say " once youve used one type of tuner, dont switch to other you will currupt your ecm. But i read all the time where its done on here and i think without problems [Hope] Thanks for the reply

Dodgezilla 11-12-2007 07:41 PM

If you were going to send your downloader in for service or repair then you DO have to put the truck back to stock.
Lots of people have problems switching from one DL to another. Lots more people do it all the time with no issues. I don't think there is a definitive answer for that one...
The last two times I have programmed my truck w/ different tunes I started the process and then opened the door to get out instead of sitting there waiting. This did not cause me any problems with my downloads although the directions say that it might....

stock600 11-12-2007 08:45 PM

Got ya, thanks - Ill continue being carefull during the d.l. process but im now not worried of changing levels in my tuner with the ez under the hood! Thanks

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